Thin, solid, circle, horizontal, mirror, balloon, party, birthday, carnival, helium, balloons, balloon-thin icon Balloon Thin Icon (fi-ctsuhl-balloon-thin)

<i class="fi-ctsuhl-balloon-thin"></i>
Thin, solid, circle, horizontal, mirror, balloon, party, birthday, carnival, helium, balloons, balloon-thin.

M 763 400C 763 503 724 605 673 682C 629 747 577 796 527 809C 527 809 548 830 548 830C 549 831 552 835 552 839C 553 843 551 846 551 846C 551 847 550 850 547 852C 543 855 539 856 537 856C 537 856 459 856 459 856C 457 856 453 855 450 852C 447 850 446 847 446 846C 445 846 444 843 444 839C 445 835 447 831 449 830C 449 830 471 808 471 808C 421 794 370 746 327 682C 276 605 238 503 238 400C 238 243 368 138 500 138C 632 138 763 243 763 400C 763 400 763 400 763 400M 263 400C 263 497 299 595 348 668C 397 741 458 788 500 788C 542 788 603 741 652 668C 701 595 738 497 738 400C 738 257 618 163 500 163C 382 163 263 257 263 400C 263 400 263 400 263 400M 412 246C 414 252 412 257 407 260C 371 284 354 310 345 337C 336 363 336 391 338 418C 339 425 333 431 326 432C 319 432 314 427 313 420C 311 392 311 360 321 329C 332 297 354 266 393 240C 395 238 397 237 400 237C 405 237 410 241 412 246C 412 246 412 246 412 246M 484 831C 484 831 513 831 513 831C 513 831 498 816 498 816C 498 816 484 831 484 831
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Embed code
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 500 0C 224 0 0 224 0 500C 0 776 224 1000 500 1000C 776 1000 1000 776 1000 500C 1000 224 776 0 500 0C 500 0 500 0 500 0 M 763 400C 763 503 724 605 673 682C 629 747 577 796 527 809C 527 809 548 830 548 830C 549 831 552 835 552 839C 553 843 551 846 551 846C 551 847 550 850 547 852C 543 855 539 856 537 856C 537 856 459 856 459 856C 457 856 453 855 450 852C 447 850 446 847 446 846C 445 846 444 843 444 839C 445 835 447 831 449 830C 449 830 471 808 471 808C 421 794 370 746 327 682C 276 605 238 503 238 400C 238 243 368 138 500 138C 632 138 763 243 763 400C 763 400 763 400 763 400M 263 400C 263 497 299 595 348 668C 397 741 458 788 500 788C 542 788 603 741 652 668C 701 595 738 497 738 400C 738 257 618 163 500 163C 382 163 263 257 263 400C 263 400 263 400 263 400M 412 246C 414 252 412 257 407 260C 371 284 354 310 345 337C 336 363 336 391 338 418C 339 425 333 431 326 432C 319 432 314 427 313 420C 311 392 311 360 321 329C 332 297 354 266 393 240C 395 238 397 237 400 237C 405 237 410 241 412 246C 412 246 412 246 412 246M 484 831C 484 831 513 831 513 831C 513 831 498 816 498 816C 498 816 484 831 484 831" transform="translate(1000,0) scale(-1,1)"/></svg>
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 500 0C 224 0 0 224 0 500C 0 776 224 1000 500 1000C 776 1000 1000 776 1000 500C 1000 224 776 0 500 0C 500 0 500 0 500 0M 763 400C 763 503 724 605 673 682C 629 747 577 796 527 809C 527 809 548 830 548 830C 549 831 552 835 552 839C 553 843 551 846 551 846C 551 847 550 850 547 852C 543 855 539 856 537 856C 537 856 459 856 459 856C 457 856 453 855 450 852C 447 850 446 847 446 846C 445 846 444 843 444 839C 445 835 447 831 449 830C 449 830 471 808 471 808C 421 794 370 746 327 682C 276 605 238 503 238 400C 238 243 368 138 500 138C 632 138 763 243 763 400C 763 400 763 400 763 400M 263 400C 263 497 299 595 348 668C 397 741 458 788 500 788C 542 788 603 741 652 668C 701 595 738 497 738 400C 738 257 618 163 500 163C 382 163 263 257 263 400C 263 400 263 400 263 400M 412 246C 414 252 412 257 407 260C 371 284 354 310 345 337C 336 363 336 391 338 418C 339 425 333 431 326 432C 319 432 314 427 313 420C 311 392 311 360 321 329C 332 297 354 266 393 240C 395 238 397 237 400 237C 405 237 410 241 412 246C 412 246 412 246 412 246M 484 831C 484 831 513 831 513 831C 513 831 498 816 498 816C 498 816 484 831 484 831" transform="translate(1000,0) scale(-1,1)"/></svg>
Internal keywords: balloon-thin, balloon, circle, balloons.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • thin
  • solid
  • circle
  • horizontal
  • mirror
  • balloon
  • party
  • birthday
  • carnival
  • helium
  • balloons
  • balloon-thin
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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