Down, wide, solid, circle, wormhole, black-hole, hole, spacetime, interstellar, astrophysics, hyperspace, einstein, rosen, singularity, relativity, wormhole-wide icon Wormhole Wide Icon (fi-cwsdxl-wormhole-wide)

<i class="fi-cwsdxl-wormhole-wide"></i>
Down, wide, solid, circle, wormhole, black-hole, hole, spacetime, interstellar, astrophysics, hyperspace, einstein, rosen, singularity, relativity, wormhole-wide.

M 743 672C 737 685 727 697 716 706 693 726 661 739 623 749 547 769 455 770 378 751 340 741 307 728 283 709 271 699 260 687 253 674 226 687 209 702 203 712 199 719 198 722 199 726 200 731 202 737 211 746 246 782 369 821 505 820 572 820 636 811 687 797 738 782 776 761 791 744 799 735 801 729 801 725 801 721 801 717 796 710 789 699 771 685 743 672ZM 622 582C 617 585 612 587 607 589 579 601 546 607 509 608 472 610 437 605 407 596 396 592 386 588 376 583 362 605 343 625 320 641 321 643 324 645 329 650 341 659 364 670 396 678 459 693 543 693 604 677 635 669 657 657 668 648 673 644 675 642 676 640 658 627 642 611 629 594 627 590 624 586 622 582ZM 612 430C 576 435 538 438 498 438 458 438 420 435 384 430 395 454 402 478 401 503 401 505 401 507 401 509 405 513 415 519 429 524 450 530 478 534 507 533 536 533 561 527 578 520 588 516 593 512 596 509 596 507 596 505 596 503 595 478 601 454 612 430ZM 494 315C 445 316 400 325 370 338 361 341 354 345 348 348 392 357 443 363 498 363 555 363 609 357 655 347 647 342 637 337 625 333 591 322 544 315 494 315ZM 498 180C 410 180 331 194 276 215 249 226 229 238 217 249 205 260 203 267 203 271 203 276 205 283 217 294 227 303 244 314 266 323 282 297 310 281 342 268 383 251 436 242 493 241 550 239 604 247 648 262 686 274 719 291 738 320 756 311 770 302 779 294 790 283 793 276 793 271 793 267 790 260 779 249 767 238 746 226 719 215 665 194 586 180 498 180ZM 498 105C 594 105 680 119 746 145 779 158 808 173 829 193 851 214 868 240 868 271 868 302 851 329 829 349 808 369 779 385 746 398 743 399 738 400 734 402 697 429 670 482 671 501 671 512 677 532 690 550 702 566 718 580 735 587 791 607 833 631 857 667 870 686 878 709 876 732 874 755 863 776 847 794 815 829 766 852 707 869 649 885 579 895 505 895 357 896 225 867 158 799 141 781 129 761 125 738 121 715 127 692 139 673 162 636 202 610 257 590 257 590 257 590 257 590 299 572 326 524 326 501 327 490 321 469 309 449 297 430 280 412 261 402 257 400 253 399 249 398 216 385 188 369 166 349 144 329 128 302 128 271 128 240 144 214 166 193 188 173 216 158 249 145 315 119 402 105 498 105Z
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 500 0C 224 0 0 224 0 500C 0 776 224 1000 500 1000C 776 1000 1000 776 1000 500C 1000 224 776 0 500 0C 500 0 500 0 500 0 M 743 672C 737 685 727 697 716 706 693 726 661 739 623 749 547 769 455 770 378 751 340 741 307 728 283 709 271 699 260 687 253 674 226 687 209 702 203 712 199 719 198 722 199 726 200 731 202 737 211 746 246 782 369 821 505 820 572 820 636 811 687 797 738 782 776 761 791 744 799 735 801 729 801 725 801 721 801 717 796 710 789 699 771 685 743 672ZM 622 582C 617 585 612 587 607 589 579 601 546 607 509 608 472 610 437 605 407 596 396 592 386 588 376 583 362 605 343 625 320 641 321 643 324 645 329 650 341 659 364 670 396 678 459 693 543 693 604 677 635 669 657 657 668 648 673 644 675 642 676 640 658 627 642 611 629 594 627 590 624 586 622 582ZM 612 430C 576 435 538 438 498 438 458 438 420 435 384 430 395 454 402 478 401 503 401 505 401 507 401 509 405 513 415 519 429 524 450 530 478 534 507 533 536 533 561 527 578 520 588 516 593 512 596 509 596 507 596 505 596 503 595 478 601 454 612 430ZM 494 315C 445 316 400 325 370 338 361 341 354 345 348 348 392 357 443 363 498 363 555 363 609 357 655 347 647 342 637 337 625 333 591 322 544 315 494 315ZM 498 180C 410 180 331 194 276 215 249 226 229 238 217 249 205 260 203 267 203 271 203 276 205 283 217 294 227 303 244 314 266 323 282 297 310 281 342 268 383 251 436 242 493 241 550 239 604 247 648 262 686 274 719 291 738 320 756 311 770 302 779 294 790 283 793 276 793 271 793 267 790 260 779 249 767 238 746 226 719 215 665 194 586 180 498 180ZM 498 105C 594 105 680 119 746 145 779 158 808 173 829 193 851 214 868 240 868 271 868 302 851 329 829 349 808 369 779 385 746 398 743 399 738 400 734 402 697 429 670 482 671 501 671 512 677 532 690 550 702 566 718 580 735 587 791 607 833 631 857 667 870 686 878 709 876 732 874 755 863 776 847 794 815 829 766 852 707 869 649 885 579 895 505 895 357 896 225 867 158 799 141 781 129 761 125 738 121 715 127 692 139 673 162 636 202 610 257 590 257 590 257 590 257 590 299 572 326 524 326 501 327 490 321 469 309 449 297 430 280 412 261 402 257 400 253 399 249 398 216 385 188 369 166 349 144 329 128 302 128 271 128 240 144 214 166 193 188 173 216 158 249 145 315 119 402 105 498 105Z" transform="rotate(180,500,500)"/></svg>
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Internal keywords: wormhole, wormhole-wide, circle.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • down
  • wide
  • solid
  • circle
  • wormhole
  • black-hole
  • hole
  • spacetime
  • interstellar
  • astrophysics
  • hyperspace
  • einstein
  • rosen
  • singularity
  • relativity
  • wormhole-wide
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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