Right, normal, solid, hexagon, horizontal, mirror, space, spiral, milky-way, milky, way, cosmos, celestial, stellar, universe, galaxy-alt, galactic icon Galaxy Alt Icon (fi-hnsrhl-galaxy-alt)

<i class="fi-hnsrhl-galaxy-alt"></i>
Right, normal, solid, hexagon, horizontal, mirror, space, spiral, milky-way, milky, way, cosmos, celestial, stellar, universe, galaxy-alt, galactic.

M 523 438C 519 438 514 439 509 441 494 446 478 458 466 476 454 494 449 513 449 528 449 544 454 553 462 558 469 564 480 565 494 560 508 555 524 543 536 525 548 507 554 488 554 473 553 457 548 448 541 443 536 439 530 438 523 438ZM 426 214C 480 213 535 227 583 252 631 277 674 313 701 361 729 410 739 469 723 524 712 562 690 596 658 619 627 643 587 656 547 654 472 651 437 610 426 599 415 589 399 554 399 529 399 502 408 473 425 447 440 427 458 411 477 400 469 398 460 396 450 396 423 394 394 404 372 420 350 437 333 462 325 490 313 530 321 576 342 614 364 652 399 683 440 704 505 738 586 746 655 722 723 698 781 640 805 571 810 558 824 551 837 556 850 561 857 575 852 588 823 672 755 740 671 769 588 799 494 789 417 748 369 723 326 687 299 639 271 590 261 531 277 476 288 438 310 404 342 381 373 357 413 344 453 346 496 349 550 374 575 400 600 427 603 446 603 472 604 499 595 528 577 554 563 574 545 590 525 601 533 603 541 604 550 604 577 606 606 596 628 580 650 563 667 538 675 510 687 470 679 424 658 386 636 348 601 317 560 296 495 262 414 254 345 278 277 302 219 360 195 429 190 442 176 449 163 444 150 439 143 425 148 412 177 328 245 260 329 231 360 220 393 214 426 214Z
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M 300 54C 264 54 231 73 213 104C 213 104 13 450 13 450C -4 481 -4 519 13 550C 13 550 213 896 213 896C 231 927 264 946 300 946C 300 946 700 946 700 946C 736 946 769 927 787 896C 787 896 987 550 987 550C 1004 519 1004 481 987 450C 987 450 787 104 787 104C 769 73 736 54 700 54C 700 54 300 54 300 54C 300 54 300 54 300 54 M 523 438C 519 438 514 439 509 441 494 446 478 458 466 476 454 494 449 513 449 528 449 544 454 553 462 558 469 564 480 565 494 560 508 555 524 543 536 525 548 507 554 488 554 473 553 457 548 448 541 443 536 439 530 438 523 438ZM 426 214C 480 213 535 227 583 252 631 277 674 313 701 361 729 410 739 469 723 524 712 562 690 596 658 619 627 643 587 656 547 654 472 651 437 610 426 599 415 589 399 554 399 529 399 502 408 473 425 447 440 427 458 411 477 400 469 398 460 396 450 396 423 394 394 404 372 420 350 437 333 462 325 490 313 530 321 576 342 614 364 652 399 683 440 704 505 738 586 746 655 722 723 698 781 640 805 571 810 558 824 551 837 556 850 561 857 575 852 588 823 672 755 740 671 769 588 799 494 789 417 748 369 723 326 687 299 639 271 590 261 531 277 476 288 438 310 404 342 381 373 357 413 344 453 346 496 349 550 374 575 400 600 427 603 446 603 472 604 499 595 528 577 554 563 574 545 590 525 601 533 603 541 604 550 604 577 606 606 596 628 580 650 563 667 538 675 510 687 470 679 424 658 386 636 348 601 317 560 296 495 262 414 254 345 278 277 302 219 360 195 429 190 442 176 449 163 444 150 439 143 425 148 412 177 328 245 260 329 231 360 220 393 214 426 214Z" transform="translate(1000,0) scale(-1,1)rotate(90,500,500)"/></svg>
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M 300 54C 264 54 231 73 213 104C 213 104 13 450 13 450C -4 481 -4 519 13 550C 13 550 213 896 213 896C 231 927 264 946 300 946C 300 946 700 946 700 946C 736 946 769 927 787 896C 787 896 987 550 987 550C 1004 519 1004 481 987 450C 987 450 787 104 787 104C 769 73 736 54 700 54C 700 54 300 54 300 54C 300 54 300 54 300 54M 523 438C 519 438 514 439 509 441 494 446 478 458 466 476 454 494 449 513 449 528 449 544 454 553 462 558 469 564 480 565 494 560 508 555 524 543 536 525 548 507 554 488 554 473 553 457 548 448 541 443 536 439 530 438 523 438ZM 426 214C 480 213 535 227 583 252 631 277 674 313 701 361 729 410 739 469 723 524 712 562 690 596 658 619 627 643 587 656 547 654 472 651 437 610 426 599 415 589 399 554 399 529 399 502 408 473 425 447 440 427 458 411 477 400 469 398 460 396 450 396 423 394 394 404 372 420 350 437 333 462 325 490 313 530 321 576 342 614 364 652 399 683 440 704 505 738 586 746 655 722 723 698 781 640 805 571 810 558 824 551 837 556 850 561 857 575 852 588 823 672 755 740 671 769 588 799 494 789 417 748 369 723 326 687 299 639 271 590 261 531 277 476 288 438 310 404 342 381 373 357 413 344 453 346 496 349 550 374 575 400 600 427 603 446 603 472 604 499 595 528 577 554 563 574 545 590 525 601 533 603 541 604 550 604 577 606 606 596 628 580 650 563 667 538 675 510 687 470 679 424 658 386 636 348 601 317 560 296 495 262 414 254 345 278 277 302 219 360 195 429 190 442 176 449 163 444 150 439 143 425 148 412 177 328 245 260 329 231 360 220 393 214 426 214Z" transform="translate(1000,0) scale(-1,1)rotate(90,500,500)"/></svg>
Internal keywords: galaxy-alt, hexagon.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • right
  • normal
  • solid
  • hexagon
  • horizontal
  • mirror
  • space
  • spiral
  • milky-way
  • milky
  • way
  • cosmos
  • celestial
  • stellar
  • universe
  • galaxy-alt
  • galactic
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
# ID Query URL Count