Thin, line, left, hexagon, arrow, arrow-thin icon Arrow Thin Icon (fi-htllxl-arrow-thin)

<i class="fi-htllxl-arrow-thin"></i>
Thin, line, left, hexagon, arrow, arrow-thin.

M 500 268C 500 268 380 388 380 388C 380 388 500 388 500 388C 500 388 620 388 620 388C 620 388 500 268 500 268M 500 238C 500 238 500 238 500 238C 503 237 506 239 509 241C 509 241 659 391 659 391C 662 395 663 400 662 405C 660 409 655 412 650 413C 650 413 513 413 513 413C 513 413 513 750 513 750C 513 755 510 759 506 761C 502 763 498 763 494 761C 490 759 487 755 488 750C 488 750 488 413 488 413C 488 413 350 413 350 413C 345 412 340 409 338 405C 337 400 338 395 341 391C 341 391 491 241 491 241C 493 239 497 238 500 238
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Embed code
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 275 60C 257 60 241 70 232 85C 232 85 7 475 7 475C -2 490 -2 510 7 525C 7 525 232 915 232 915C 241 930 257 940 275 940C 275 940 725 940 725 940C 743 940 759 930 768 915C 768 915 993 525 993 525C 1002 510 1002 490 993 475C 993 475 768 85 768 85C 759 70 743 60 725 60C 725 60 275 60 275 60C 275 60 275 60 275 60M 275 85C 275 85 275 85 275 85C 275 85 725 85 725 85C 734 85 742 90 747 98C 747 98 972 487 972 487C 976 495 976 505 972 513C 972 513 747 902 747 902C 742 910 734 915 725 915C 725 915 275 915 275 915C 266 915 258 910 253 902C 253 902 28 513 28 513C 28 513 28 513 28 513C 24 505 24 495 28 487C 28 487 28 487 28 487C 28 487 253 98 253 98C 258 90 266 85 275 85C 275 85 275 85 275 85 M 500 268C 500 268 380 388 380 388C 380 388 500 388 500 388C 500 388 620 388 620 388C 620 388 500 268 500 268M 500 238C 500 238 500 238 500 238C 503 237 506 239 509 241C 509 241 659 391 659 391C 662 395 663 400 662 405C 660 409 655 412 650 413C 650 413 513 413 513 413C 513 413 513 750 513 750C 513 755 510 759 506 761C 502 763 498 763 494 761C 490 759 487 755 488 750C 488 750 488 413 488 413C 488 413 350 413 350 413C 345 412 340 409 338 405C 337 400 338 395 341 391C 341 391 491 241 491 241C 493 239 497 238 500 238" transform="rotate(270,500,500)"/></svg>
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 275 60C 257 60 241 70 232 85C 232 85 7 475 7 475C -2 490 -2 510 7 525C 7 525 232 915 232 915C 241 930 257 940 275 940C 275 940 725 940 725 940C 743 940 759 930 768 915C 768 915 993 525 993 525C 1002 510 1002 490 993 475C 993 475 768 85 768 85C 759 70 743 60 725 60C 725 60 275 60 275 60C 275 60 275 60 275 60M 275 85C 275 85 275 85 275 85C 275 85 725 85 725 85C 734 85 742 90 747 98C 747 98 972 487 972 487C 976 495 976 505 972 513C 972 513 747 902 747 902C 742 910 734 915 725 915C 725 915 275 915 275 915C 266 915 258 910 253 902C 253 902 28 513 28 513C 28 513 28 513 28 513C 24 505 24 495 28 487C 28 487 28 487 28 487C 28 487 253 98 253 98C 258 90 266 85 275 85C 275 85 275 85 275 85M 500 268C 500 268 380 388 380 388C 380 388 500 388 500 388C 500 388 620 388 620 388C 620 388 500 268 500 268M 500 238C 500 238 500 238 500 238C 503 237 506 239 509 241C 509 241 659 391 659 391C 662 395 663 400 662 405C 660 409 655 412 650 413C 650 413 513 413 513 413C 513 413 513 750 513 750C 513 755 510 759 506 761C 502 763 498 763 494 761C 490 759 487 755 488 750C 488 750 488 413 488 413C 488 413 350 413 350 413C 345 412 340 409 338 405C 337 400 338 395 341 391C 341 391 491 241 491 241C 493 239 497 238 500 238" transform="rotate(270,500,500)"/></svg>
Internal keywords: arrow-thin, arrow, hexagon.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • thin
  • line
  • left
  • hexagon
  • arrow
  • arrow-thin
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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