Normal, solid, square, logo, brand, apple, macintosh, itunes, ipad, iphone, ipod icon Apple Icon (fi-snsuxl-apple)

<i class="fi-snsuxl-apple"></i>
Normal, solid, square, logo, brand, apple, macintosh, itunes, ipad, iphone, ipod.

M 878 697C 878 697 878 697 878 697C 873 711 868 725 862 739C 849 770 832 799 814 826C 788 862 767 887 751 901C 727 924 700 936 671 936C 651 936 626 930 597 919C 568 907 542 901 518 901C 492 901 465 907 436 919C 407 930 383 937 365 937C 338 938 310 926 283 901C 266 886 244 860 218 823C 190 784 167 738 149 686C 130 630 120 576 120 523C 120 463 133 411 159 367C 180 332 207 304 241 284C 275 264 312 253 352 253C 374 253 402 259 438 273C 473 286 496 293 506 293C 513 293 538 285 581 269C 621 255 656 249 683 251C 759 257 816 287 854 341C 786 382 753 439 753 513C 754 570 775 618 816 656C 834 674 855 687 878 697M 688 55C 688 55 688 55 688 55C 688 100 672 142 639 181C 600 227 552 254 500 250C 499 245 499 239 499 233C 499 190 518 143 551 106C 568 87 589 71 615 58C 640 45 665 38 688 37C 688 43 688 49 688 55
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Embed code
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 75 0C 75 0 75 0 75 0C 33 0 0 33 0 75C 0 75 0 925 0 925C 0 967 33 1000 75 1000C 75 1000 925 1000 925 1000C 967 1000 1000 967 1000 925C 1000 925 1000 75 1000 75C 1000 33 967 0 925 0C 925 0 75 0 75 0 M 878 697C 878 697 878 697 878 697C 873 711 868 725 862 739C 849 770 832 799 814 826C 788 862 767 887 751 901C 727 924 700 936 671 936C 651 936 626 930 597 919C 568 907 542 901 518 901C 492 901 465 907 436 919C 407 930 383 937 365 937C 338 938 310 926 283 901C 266 886 244 860 218 823C 190 784 167 738 149 686C 130 630 120 576 120 523C 120 463 133 411 159 367C 180 332 207 304 241 284C 275 264 312 253 352 253C 374 253 402 259 438 273C 473 286 496 293 506 293C 513 293 538 285 581 269C 621 255 656 249 683 251C 759 257 816 287 854 341C 786 382 753 439 753 513C 754 570 775 618 816 656C 834 674 855 687 878 697M 688 55C 688 55 688 55 688 55C 688 100 672 142 639 181C 600 227 552 254 500 250C 499 245 499 239 499 233C 499 190 518 143 551 106C 568 87 589 71 615 58C 640 45 665 38 688 37C 688 43 688 49 688 55"/></svg>
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 75 0C 75 0 75 0 75 0C 33 0 0 33 0 75C 0 75 0 925 0 925C 0 967 33 1000 75 1000C 75 1000 925 1000 925 1000C 967 1000 1000 967 1000 925C 1000 925 1000 75 1000 75C 1000 33 967 0 925 0C 925 0 75 0 75 0M 878 697C 878 697 878 697 878 697C 873 711 868 725 862 739C 849 770 832 799 814 826C 788 862 767 887 751 901C 727 924 700 936 671 936C 651 936 626 930 597 919C 568 907 542 901 518 901C 492 901 465 907 436 919C 407 930 383 937 365 937C 338 938 310 926 283 901C 266 886 244 860 218 823C 190 784 167 738 149 686C 130 630 120 576 120 523C 120 463 133 411 159 367C 180 332 207 304 241 284C 275 264 312 253 352 253C 374 253 402 259 438 273C 473 286 496 293 506 293C 513 293 538 285 581 269C 621 255 656 249 683 251C 759 257 816 287 854 341C 786 382 753 439 753 513C 754 570 775 618 816 656C 834 674 855 687 878 697M 688 55C 688 55 688 55 688 55C 688 100 672 142 639 181C 600 227 552 254 500 250C 499 245 499 239 499 233C 499 190 518 143 551 106C 568 87 589 71 615 58C 640 45 665 38 688 37C 688 43 688 49 688 55"/></svg>
Internal keywords: apple, Apple, iphone, square.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • normal
  • solid
  • square
  • logo
  • brand
  • apple
  • macintosh
  • itunes
  • ipad
  • iphone
  • ipod
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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