Bell Wide Icon (fi-swpuxl-bell-wide)
<i class="fi-swpuxl-bell-wide"></i>
Line, wide, square, prohibited, bell, notification, alarm, bell-wide.
M 538 163C 538 163 537 203 537 203C 576 208 608 223 631 245C 661 274 675 311 683 348C 701 420 704 493 730 528C 730 528 757 545 784 571C 811 597 837 640 837 700C 837 725 826 746 811 761C 796 776 775 788 750 788C 750 788 632 788 632 788C 623 821 600 851 569 869C 526 894 474 894 431 869C 400 851 377 821 368 788C 368 788 250 788 250 788C 225 788 204 776 189 761C 174 746 163 725 163 700C 163 640 189 597 216 571C 243 545 270 528 270 528C 296 493 299 420 317 348C 325 311 339 274 369 245C 392 223 423 208 462 203C 462 203 462 162 462 162C 462 142 479 125 500 124C 521 124 538 141 538 163C 538 163 538 163 538 163M 421 299C 406 313 397 335 390 365C 376 424 379 507 330 572C 309 601 286 608 268 625C 251 642 238 660 238 700C 238 700 239 704 242 708C 246 711 250 713 250 713C 417 713 583 712 750 713C 750 713 754 711 758 708C 761 704 763 700 763 700C 763 660 749 642 732 625C 714 608 691 601 670 572C 621 507 624 424 610 365C 603 335 594 313 579 299C 564 285 543 275 500 275C 500 275 500 275 500 275C 457 275 436 285 421 299C 421 299 421 299 421 299M 469 804C 488 815 512 815 531 804C 539 800 545 794 550 788C 550 788 450 788 450 788C 455 794 461 800 469 804C 469 804 469 804 469 804
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viewBox="0 0 1000 1000"
d="M 100 0C 45 0 0 45 0 100C 0 100 0 900 0 900C 0 955 45 1000 100 1000C 100 1000 900 1000 900 1000C 955 1000 1000 955 1000 900C 1000 900 1000 100 1000 100C 1000 45 955 0 900 0C 900 0 100 0 100 0C 100 0 100 0 100 0M 128 75C 128 75 900 75 900 75C 914 75 925 86 925 100C 925 100 925 872 925 872C 925 872 128 75 128 75C 128 75 128 75 128 75M 75 128C 75 128 872 925 872 925C 872 925 100 925 100 925C 86 925 75 914 75 900C 75 900 75 128 75 128C 75 128 75 128 75 128 M 538 163C 538 163 537 203 537 203C 576 208 608 223 631 245C 661 274 675 311 683 348C 701 420 704 493 730 528C 730 528 757 545 784 571C 811 597 837 640 837 700C 837 725 826 746 811 761C 796 776 775 788 750 788C 750 788 632 788 632 788C 623 821 600 851 569 869C 526 894 474 894 431 869C 400 851 377 821 368 788C 368 788 250 788 250 788C 225 788 204 776 189 761C 174 746 163 725 163 700C 163 640 189 597 216 571C 243 545 270 528 270 528C 296 493 299 420 317 348C 325 311 339 274 369 245C 392 223 423 208 462 203C 462 203 462 162 462 162C 462 142 479 125 500 124C 521 124 538 141 538 163C 538 163 538 163 538 163M 421 299C 406 313 397 335 390 365C 376 424 379 507 330 572C 309 601 286 608 268 625C 251 642 238 660 238 700C 238 700 239 704 242 708C 246 711 250 713 250 713C 417 713 583 712 750 713C 750 713 754 711 758 708C 761 704 763 700 763 700C 763 660 749 642 732 625C 714 608 691 601 670 572C 621 507 624 424 610 365C 603 335 594 313 579 299C 564 285 543 275 500 275C 500 275 500 275 500 275C 457 275 436 285 421 299C 421 299 421 299 421 299M 469 804C 488 815 512 815 531 804C 539 800 545 794 550 788C 550 788 450 788 450 788C 455 794 461 800 469 804C 469 804 469 804 469 804"/></svg>
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Internal keywords: bell, bell-wide, square.
Friconix is a collection of free flat icons.
The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app.
All our icons are
vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor.
The icon presented on this page is related to:
- line
- wide
- square
- prohibited
- bell
- notification
- alarm
- bell-wide
To use our icons, you have several options.
recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need.
The reader will find a board example on this page :
DOT-50 public services pictograms.
Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site.
Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the
tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons.
While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading.
This option is detailled on
quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.