Thin, line, logo, brand, prohibited, shop, buy, ecommerce, market, place, amazon icon Amazon Icon (fi-xtpuxl-amazon)

<i class="fi-xtpuxl-amazon"></i>
Thin, line, logo, brand, prohibited, shop, buy, ecommerce, market, place, amazon.

M 872 700C 872 700 872 700 872 700C 878 708 871 746 860 774C 849 801 833 820 824 827C 814 835 808 832 813 821C 818 810 846 741 834 726C 823 712 771 719 752 720C 733 722 729 724 727 720C 724 710 765 693 792 690C 820 687 863 689 872 700C 872 700 872 700 872 700M 782 749C 782 749 782 749 782 749C 796 744 805 753 792 770C 778 787 671 886 491 886C 311 886 172 762 130 711C 119 698 132 692 140 697C 266 774 464 901 782 749C 782 749 782 749 782 749M 671 689C 664 695 655 695 647 691C 613 663 607 650 588 623C 532 680 493 697 420 697C 334 697 268 644 268 538C 268 456 313 399 376 372C 432 347 509 343 568 336C 568 336 568 323 568 323C 568 299 570 270 556 249C 543 230 520 223 499 223C 460 223 425 243 417 284C 415 293 408 302 399 303C 399 303 300 292 300 292C 292 290 282 283 285 271C 307 151 416 114 513 114C 562 114 627 128 666 165C 716 212 711 273 711 341C 711 341 711 500 711 500C 711 547 731 568 750 594C 756 603 758 614 750 621C 729 639 692 671 671 689C 671 689 671 689 671 689M 568 418C 568 418 568 418 568 418C 494 418 417 434 417 521C 417 565 439 595 479 595C 507 595 533 577 549 548C 569 513 568 480 568 440C 568 440 568 418 568 418
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 0 0C 0 0 0 18 0 18C 0 18 982 1000 982 1000C 982 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000C 1000 1000 1000 982 1000 982C 1000 982 18 0 18 0C 18 0 0 0 0 0C 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 872 700C 872 700 872 700 872 700C 878 708 871 746 860 774C 849 801 833 820 824 827C 814 835 808 832 813 821C 818 810 846 741 834 726C 823 712 771 719 752 720C 733 722 729 724 727 720C 724 710 765 693 792 690C 820 687 863 689 872 700C 872 700 872 700 872 700M 782 749C 782 749 782 749 782 749C 796 744 805 753 792 770C 778 787 671 886 491 886C 311 886 172 762 130 711C 119 698 132 692 140 697C 266 774 464 901 782 749C 782 749 782 749 782 749M 671 689C 664 695 655 695 647 691C 613 663 607 650 588 623C 532 680 493 697 420 697C 334 697 268 644 268 538C 268 456 313 399 376 372C 432 347 509 343 568 336C 568 336 568 323 568 323C 568 299 570 270 556 249C 543 230 520 223 499 223C 460 223 425 243 417 284C 415 293 408 302 399 303C 399 303 300 292 300 292C 292 290 282 283 285 271C 307 151 416 114 513 114C 562 114 627 128 666 165C 716 212 711 273 711 341C 711 341 711 500 711 500C 711 547 731 568 750 594C 756 603 758 614 750 621C 729 639 692 671 671 689C 671 689 671 689 671 689M 568 418C 568 418 568 418 568 418C 494 418 417 434 417 521C 417 565 439 595 479 595C 507 595 533 577 549 548C 569 513 568 480 568 440C 568 440 568 418 568 418"/></svg>
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Internal keywords: amazon, weizmann forex franchise|BitYard Buy Bitcoin.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • thin
  • line
  • logo
  • brand
  • prohibited
  • shop
  • buy
  • ecommerce
  • market
  • place
  • amazon
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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