Line, right, wide, phone, call, dial, number, phone-wide, telephone icon Phone Wide Icon (fi-xwlrxl-phone-wide)

<i class="fi-xwlrxl-phone-wide"></i>
Line, right, wide, phone, call, dial, number, phone-wide, telephone.

M 778 128C 797 140 824 158 844 180C 871 205 888 249 886 280C 885 403 841 524 768 624C 661 773 487 875 302 888C 236 896 174 855 135 805C 104 774 104 725 124 689C 146 636 206 622 255 607C 286 593 334 581 372 592C 406 592 435 642 464 626C 531 577 592 517 626 440C 594 417 569 380 571 338C 579 290 586 241 605 196C 622 147 673 116 723 115C 742 114 761 119 778 128C 778 128 778 128 778 128M 703 195C 661 215 663 272 652 311C 631 352 668 382 700 401C 723 426 699 459 689 485C 648 568 581 633 508 687C 472 717 419 709 385 681C 354 652 309 664 274 680C 239 691 185 699 185 747C 210 781 247 816 291 813C 382 809 472 777 548 729C 703 630 814 453 810 267C 798 230 761 199 724 190C 717 190 710 192 703 195C 703 195 703 195 703 195
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Embed code
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d=" M 778 128C 797 140 824 158 844 180C 871 205 888 249 886 280C 885 403 841 524 768 624C 661 773 487 875 302 888C 236 896 174 855 135 805C 104 774 104 725 124 689C 146 636 206 622 255 607C 286 593 334 581 372 592C 406 592 435 642 464 626C 531 577 592 517 626 440C 594 417 569 380 571 338C 579 290 586 241 605 196C 622 147 673 116 723 115C 742 114 761 119 778 128C 778 128 778 128 778 128M 703 195C 661 215 663 272 652 311C 631 352 668 382 700 401C 723 426 699 459 689 485C 648 568 581 633 508 687C 472 717 419 709 385 681C 354 652 309 664 274 680C 239 691 185 699 185 747C 210 781 247 816 291 813C 382 809 472 777 548 729C 703 630 814 453 810 267C 798 230 761 199 724 190C 717 190 710 192 703 195C 703 195 703 195 703 195" transform="rotate(90,500,500)"/></svg>
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 778 128C 797 140 824 158 844 180C 871 205 888 249 886 280C 885 403 841 524 768 624C 661 773 487 875 302 888C 236 896 174 855 135 805C 104 774 104 725 124 689C 146 636 206 622 255 607C 286 593 334 581 372 592C 406 592 435 642 464 626C 531 577 592 517 626 440C 594 417 569 380 571 338C 579 290 586 241 605 196C 622 147 673 116 723 115C 742 114 761 119 778 128C 778 128 778 128 778 128M 703 195C 661 215 663 272 652 311C 631 352 668 382 700 401C 723 426 699 459 689 485C 648 568 581 633 508 687C 472 717 419 709 385 681C 354 652 309 664 274 680C 239 691 185 699 185 747C 210 781 247 816 291 813C 382 809 472 777 548 729C 703 630 814 453 810 267C 798 230 761 199 724 190C 717 190 710 192 703 195C 703 195 703 195 703 195" transform="rotate(90,500,500)"/></svg>
Internal keywords: phone, call, telephone, Phone, phone-wide, phone button, phon, Phone call, call 1800, phone icon, phone wide, number, Call, telephone , call icon, phone , phone number, pohone, paper phone, рhone.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • line
  • right
  • wide
  • phone
  • call
  • dial
  • number
  • phone-wide
  • telephone
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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