Left, normal, solid, circle, wormhole, black-hole, hole, spacetime, interstellar, astrophysics, hyperspace, einstein, rosen, singularity, relativity, wormhole-solid icon Wormhole Solid Icon (fi-cnslxl-wormhole-solid)

<i class="fi-cnslxl-wormhole-solid"></i>
Left, normal, solid, circle, wormhole, black-hole, hole, spacetime, interstellar, astrophysics, hyperspace, einstein, rosen, singularity, relativity, wormhole-solid.

M 804 630C 832 648 851 666 862 685 881 716 879 746 855 778 805 842 669 876 509 877 350 878 202 846 149 782 134 765 127 749 125 733 125 715 131 697 140 682 142 678 144 676 146 673 157 659 173 645 192 633 192 638 193 644 195 649 209 682 246 703 300 720 409 753 566 755 681 724 738 709 777 689 796 658 801 650 804 640 804 630ZM 692 559C 701 575 732 595 738 600 753 609 760 617 762 623 765 629 765 631 761 638 753 650 723 671 670 685 565 713 410 711 312 681 263 666 237 645 233 634 231 629 231 626 235 619 239 613 249 604 265 596 269 594 272 591 276 589 287 583 296 577 303 570 306 567 308 565 310 562 314 565 319 567 323 569 344 579 371 586 404 591 469 601 547 600 610 588 641 582 666 575 684 564 687 563 689 561 692 559ZM 701 435C 686 455 676 476 674 498 673 506 673 513 674 522 674 523 669 526 664 529 652 536 631 543 602 548 546 559 470 559 410 551 379 546 355 539 340 532 333 529 329 526 326 524 327 520 327 516 327 512 327 512 327 511 327 511 327 511 327 510 327 510 327 510 327 509 327 508 327 487 321 463 309 440 364 454 427 462 494 462 567 462 639 452 701 435ZM 673 307C 718 319 748 337 753 346 756 351 756 350 753 355 751 359 743 366 729 374 706 386 668 397 621 404 632 375 650 340 673 307ZM 319 307C 344 339 363 375 373 405 321 397 280 385 257 372 244 365 237 357 235 354 233 350 233 350 237 345 243 335 274 318 319 307ZM 520 288C 560 289 598 293 631 299 603 341 584 384 574 417 556 419 538 420 520 421 520 377 520 332 520 288ZM 480 288C 480 332 480 377 480 421 459 421 438 420 418 418 410 381 391 338 362 298 397 292 437 289 480 288ZM 180 202C 220 214 258 240 290 273 251 284 220 298 204 323 198 331 195 342 195 352 181 343 169 334 160 324 144 307 136 290 136 272 136 255 144 238 160 220 166 214 173 208 180 202ZM 807 202C 837 225 852 250 852 272 852 298 833 326 794 351 794 342 792 333 788 326 772 300 741 285 700 273 732 238 768 211 807 202ZM 519 123C 608 126 691 143 753 171 756 172 759 174 762 175 721 194 686 227 657 263 617 254 570 249 519 248 519 206 519 165 519 123ZM 479 123C 479 165 479 206 479 248 427 249 377 254 335 262 304 227 266 195 224 176 227 174 231 172 235 171 297 143 383 125 479 123Z
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M 500 0C 224 0 0 224 0 500C 0 776 224 1000 500 1000C 776 1000 1000 776 1000 500C 1000 224 776 0 500 0C 500 0 500 0 500 0 M 804 630C 832 648 851 666 862 685 881 716 879 746 855 778 805 842 669 876 509 877 350 878 202 846 149 782 134 765 127 749 125 733 125 715 131 697 140 682 142 678 144 676 146 673 157 659 173 645 192 633 192 638 193 644 195 649 209 682 246 703 300 720 409 753 566 755 681 724 738 709 777 689 796 658 801 650 804 640 804 630ZM 692 559C 701 575 732 595 738 600 753 609 760 617 762 623 765 629 765 631 761 638 753 650 723 671 670 685 565 713 410 711 312 681 263 666 237 645 233 634 231 629 231 626 235 619 239 613 249 604 265 596 269 594 272 591 276 589 287 583 296 577 303 570 306 567 308 565 310 562 314 565 319 567 323 569 344 579 371 586 404 591 469 601 547 600 610 588 641 582 666 575 684 564 687 563 689 561 692 559ZM 701 435C 686 455 676 476 674 498 673 506 673 513 674 522 674 523 669 526 664 529 652 536 631 543 602 548 546 559 470 559 410 551 379 546 355 539 340 532 333 529 329 526 326 524 327 520 327 516 327 512 327 512 327 511 327 511 327 511 327 510 327 510 327 510 327 509 327 508 327 487 321 463 309 440 364 454 427 462 494 462 567 462 639 452 701 435ZM 673 307C 718 319 748 337 753 346 756 351 756 350 753 355 751 359 743 366 729 374 706 386 668 397 621 404 632 375 650 340 673 307ZM 319 307C 344 339 363 375 373 405 321 397 280 385 257 372 244 365 237 357 235 354 233 350 233 350 237 345 243 335 274 318 319 307ZM 520 288C 560 289 598 293 631 299 603 341 584 384 574 417 556 419 538 420 520 421 520 377 520 332 520 288ZM 480 288C 480 332 480 377 480 421 459 421 438 420 418 418 410 381 391 338 362 298 397 292 437 289 480 288ZM 180 202C 220 214 258 240 290 273 251 284 220 298 204 323 198 331 195 342 195 352 181 343 169 334 160 324 144 307 136 290 136 272 136 255 144 238 160 220 166 214 173 208 180 202ZM 807 202C 837 225 852 250 852 272 852 298 833 326 794 351 794 342 792 333 788 326 772 300 741 285 700 273 732 238 768 211 807 202ZM 519 123C 608 126 691 143 753 171 756 172 759 174 762 175 721 194 686 227 657 263 617 254 570 249 519 248 519 206 519 165 519 123ZM 479 123C 479 165 479 206 479 248 427 249 377 254 335 262 304 227 266 195 224 176 227 174 231 172 235 171 297 143 383 125 479 123Z" transform="rotate(270,500,500)"/></svg>
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Internal keywords: wormhole-solid, wormhole, circle.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • left
  • normal
  • solid
  • circle
  • wormhole
  • black-hole
  • hole
  • spacetime
  • interstellar
  • astrophysics
  • hyperspace
  • einstein
  • rosen
  • singularity
  • relativity
  • wormhole-solid
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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