Thin, line, circle, rate, medical, heart, medic, beating, beat, monitor, pulse, beating-heart-solid, beating-heart icon Beating Heart Solid Icon (fi-ctluxl-beating-heart-solid)

<i class="fi-ctluxl-beating-heart-solid"></i>
Thin, line, circle, rate, medical, heart, medic, beating, beat, monitor, pulse, beating-heart-solid, beating-heart.

M 301 180C 357 180 411 202 450 241C 450 241 450 242 450 242C 465 258 476 271 484 278C 493 286 497 288 500 288C 503 288 507 286 516 278C 524 271 535 258 550 242C 550 242 550 241 550 241C 590 202 644 180 700 180C 756 180 810 202 850 241C 890 281 912 336 912 392C 912 445 892 496 857 535C 856 536 855 537 854 539C 854 539 820 575 820 575C 820 575 554 575 554 575C 548 574 542 575 537 578C 532 581 528 586 526 592C 526 592 505 635 505 635C 505 635 424 392 424 392C 420 382 412 376 401 375C 389 374 379 382 376 394C 376 394 330 575 330 575C 330 575 181 575 181 575C 181 575 150 542 150 542C 149 541 149 541 148 540C 109 500 88 447 88 392C 88 336 110 281 150 241C 190 202 244 180 300 180C 300 179 301 180 301 180C 301 180 301 180 301 180M 476 708C 479 717 488 724 498 725C 508 726 518 720 522 711C 522 711 565 625 565 625C 565 625 773 625 773 625C 773 625 559 855 559 855C 559 855 559 855 558 855C 538 874 520 885 500 885C 479 885 461 874 441 855C 441 855 441 855 441 855C 441 855 227 625 227 625C 227 625 350 625 350 625C 361 625 371 617 374 606C 374 606 403 489 403 489C 403 489 476 708 476 708
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 500 0C 224 0 0 224 0 500C 0 776 224 1000 500 1000C 776 1000 1000 776 1000 500C 1000 224 776 0 500 0C 500 0 500 0 500 0M 500 25C 762 25 975 238 975 500C 975 762 762 975 500 975C 238 975 25 762 25 500C 25 238 238 25 500 25C 500 25 500 25 500 25 M 301 180C 357 180 411 202 450 241C 450 241 450 242 450 242C 465 258 476 271 484 278C 493 286 497 288 500 288C 503 288 507 286 516 278C 524 271 535 258 550 242C 550 242 550 241 550 241C 590 202 644 180 700 180C 756 180 810 202 850 241C 890 281 912 336 912 392C 912 445 892 496 857 535C 856 536 855 537 854 539C 854 539 820 575 820 575C 820 575 554 575 554 575C 548 574 542 575 537 578C 532 581 528 586 526 592C 526 592 505 635 505 635C 505 635 424 392 424 392C 420 382 412 376 401 375C 389 374 379 382 376 394C 376 394 330 575 330 575C 330 575 181 575 181 575C 181 575 150 542 150 542C 149 541 149 541 148 540C 109 500 88 447 88 392C 88 336 110 281 150 241C 190 202 244 180 300 180C 300 179 301 180 301 180C 301 180 301 180 301 180M 476 708C 479 717 488 724 498 725C 508 726 518 720 522 711C 522 711 565 625 565 625C 565 625 773 625 773 625C 773 625 559 855 559 855C 559 855 559 855 558 855C 538 874 520 885 500 885C 479 885 461 874 441 855C 441 855 441 855 441 855C 441 855 227 625 227 625C 227 625 350 625 350 625C 361 625 371 617 374 606C 374 606 403 489 403 489C 403 489 476 708 476 708"/></svg>
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 500 0C 224 0 0 224 0 500C 0 776 224 1000 500 1000C 776 1000 1000 776 1000 500C 1000 224 776 0 500 0C 500 0 500 0 500 0M 500 25C 762 25 975 238 975 500C 975 762 762 975 500 975C 238 975 25 762 25 500C 25 238 238 25 500 25C 500 25 500 25 500 25M 301 180C 357 180 411 202 450 241C 450 241 450 242 450 242C 465 258 476 271 484 278C 493 286 497 288 500 288C 503 288 507 286 516 278C 524 271 535 258 550 242C 550 242 550 241 550 241C 590 202 644 180 700 180C 756 180 810 202 850 241C 890 281 912 336 912 392C 912 445 892 496 857 535C 856 536 855 537 854 539C 854 539 820 575 820 575C 820 575 554 575 554 575C 548 574 542 575 537 578C 532 581 528 586 526 592C 526 592 505 635 505 635C 505 635 424 392 424 392C 420 382 412 376 401 375C 389 374 379 382 376 394C 376 394 330 575 330 575C 330 575 181 575 181 575C 181 575 150 542 150 542C 149 541 149 541 148 540C 109 500 88 447 88 392C 88 336 110 281 150 241C 190 202 244 180 300 180C 300 179 301 180 301 180C 301 180 301 180 301 180M 476 708C 479 717 488 724 498 725C 508 726 518 720 522 711C 522 711 565 625 565 625C 565 625 773 625 773 625C 773 625 559 855 559 855C 559 855 559 855 558 855C 538 874 520 885 500 885C 479 885 461 874 441 855C 441 855 441 855 441 855C 441 855 227 625 227 625C 227 625 350 625 350 625C 361 625 371 617 374 606C 374 606 403 489 403 489C 403 489 476 708 476 708"/></svg>
Internal keywords: beating-heart, beating-heart-solid, heart, circle.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • thin
  • line
  • circle
  • rate
  • medical
  • heart
  • medic
  • beating
  • beat
  • monitor
  • pulse
  • beating-heart-solid
  • beating-heart
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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