Thin, up, solid, circle, star, light, brightness, luminosity, intensity, brilliance, lighter, darker, dark, mode, Illumination, sun, shine, flash, ray, brightness-thin, brightness-thin-full, brightness-full icon Brightness Thin Full Icon (fi-ctsuxl-brightness-thin-full)

<i class="fi-ctsuxl-brightness-thin-full"></i>
Thin, up, solid, circle, star, light, brightness, luminosity, intensity, brilliance, lighter, darker, dark, mode, Illumination, sun, shine, flash, ray, brightness-thin, brightness-thin-full, brightness-full.

M 513 130C 513 185 513 240 513 296 513 302 507 308 500 308 493 308 488 302 488 296 488 240 488 185 488 130 488 123 493 118 500 118 507 118 513 123 513 130ZM 769 231C 774 236 774 244 769 249 731 287 692 326 654 364 649 369 641 369 636 364 631 359 631 351 636 346 674 308 713 269 751 231 753 229 755 228 758 228 762 227 766 228 769 231ZM 248 232C 286 270 325 308 364 346 369 351 369 359 364 364 359 369 351 369 346 364 308 326 269 288 230 250 225 245 225 237 230 232 233 229 237 228 241 228 244 229 246 230 248 232ZM 663 500C 663 590 590 663 500 663 410 663 338 590 338 500 338 410 410 338 500 338 590 338 663 410 663 500ZM 295 488C 302 488 307 493 307 500 307 507 302 513 295 513 240 513 185 513 130 513 124 513 118 507 118 500 118 493 124 488 130 488 185 488 240 488 295 488ZM 870 488C 877 488 883 493 883 500 883 507 877 513 870 513 815 513 760 513 705 513 698 513 693 507 693 500 693 493 698 488 705 488 760 488 815 488 870 488ZM 654 636C 692 675 730 713 769 751 774 756 774 764 769 769 764 774 756 774 751 769 713 730 674 692 636 654 631 649 631 641 636 636 638 634 640 633 643 633 647 632 651 633 654 636ZM 364 636C 369 641 369 649 364 654 326 692 287 731 249 769 244 774 236 774 231 769 226 764 226 756 231 751 269 713 308 674 346 636 348 634 350 633 353 633 357 632 361 633 364 636ZM 513 705C 513 760 513 815 513 870 513 877 507 883 500 883 493 883 488 877 488 870 488 815 488 760 488 705 488 698 493 692 500 692 507 692 513 698 513 705Z
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 500 0C 224 0 0 224 0 500C 0 776 224 1000 500 1000C 776 1000 1000 776 1000 500C 1000 224 776 0 500 0C 500 0 500 0 500 0 M 513 130C 513 185 513 240 513 296 513 302 507 308 500 308 493 308 488 302 488 296 488 240 488 185 488 130 488 123 493 118 500 118 507 118 513 123 513 130ZM 769 231C 774 236 774 244 769 249 731 287 692 326 654 364 649 369 641 369 636 364 631 359 631 351 636 346 674 308 713 269 751 231 753 229 755 228 758 228 762 227 766 228 769 231ZM 248 232C 286 270 325 308 364 346 369 351 369 359 364 364 359 369 351 369 346 364 308 326 269 288 230 250 225 245 225 237 230 232 233 229 237 228 241 228 244 229 246 230 248 232ZM 663 500C 663 590 590 663 500 663 410 663 338 590 338 500 338 410 410 338 500 338 590 338 663 410 663 500ZM 295 488C 302 488 307 493 307 500 307 507 302 513 295 513 240 513 185 513 130 513 124 513 118 507 118 500 118 493 124 488 130 488 185 488 240 488 295 488ZM 870 488C 877 488 883 493 883 500 883 507 877 513 870 513 815 513 760 513 705 513 698 513 693 507 693 500 693 493 698 488 705 488 760 488 815 488 870 488ZM 654 636C 692 675 730 713 769 751 774 756 774 764 769 769 764 774 756 774 751 769 713 730 674 692 636 654 631 649 631 641 636 636 638 634 640 633 643 633 647 632 651 633 654 636ZM 364 636C 369 641 369 649 364 654 326 692 287 731 249 769 244 774 236 774 231 769 226 764 226 756 231 751 269 713 308 674 346 636 348 634 350 633 353 633 357 632 361 633 364 636ZM 513 705C 513 760 513 815 513 870 513 877 507 883 500 883 493 883 488 877 488 870 488 815 488 760 488 705 488 698 493 692 500 692 507 692 513 698 513 705Z"/></svg>
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 500 0C 224 0 0 224 0 500C 0 776 224 1000 500 1000C 776 1000 1000 776 1000 500C 1000 224 776 0 500 0C 500 0 500 0 500 0M 513 130C 513 185 513 240 513 296 513 302 507 308 500 308 493 308 488 302 488 296 488 240 488 185 488 130 488 123 493 118 500 118 507 118 513 123 513 130ZM 769 231C 774 236 774 244 769 249 731 287 692 326 654 364 649 369 641 369 636 364 631 359 631 351 636 346 674 308 713 269 751 231 753 229 755 228 758 228 762 227 766 228 769 231ZM 248 232C 286 270 325 308 364 346 369 351 369 359 364 364 359 369 351 369 346 364 308 326 269 288 230 250 225 245 225 237 230 232 233 229 237 228 241 228 244 229 246 230 248 232ZM 663 500C 663 590 590 663 500 663 410 663 338 590 338 500 338 410 410 338 500 338 590 338 663 410 663 500ZM 295 488C 302 488 307 493 307 500 307 507 302 513 295 513 240 513 185 513 130 513 124 513 118 507 118 500 118 493 124 488 130 488 185 488 240 488 295 488ZM 870 488C 877 488 883 493 883 500 883 507 877 513 870 513 815 513 760 513 705 513 698 513 693 507 693 500 693 493 698 488 705 488 760 488 815 488 870 488ZM 654 636C 692 675 730 713 769 751 774 756 774 764 769 769 764 774 756 774 751 769 713 730 674 692 636 654 631 649 631 641 636 636 638 634 640 633 643 633 647 632 651 633 654 636ZM 364 636C 369 641 369 649 364 654 326 692 287 731 249 769 244 774 236 774 231 769 226 764 226 756 231 751 269 713 308 674 346 636 348 634 350 633 353 633 357 632 361 633 364 636ZM 513 705C 513 760 513 815 513 870 513 877 507 883 500 883 493 883 488 877 488 870 488 815 488 760 488 705 488 698 493 692 500 692 507 692 513 698 513 705Z"/></svg>
Internal keywords: brightness-full, brightness-thin-full, brightness-thin, brightness, circle.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • thin
  • up
  • solid
  • circle
  • star
  • light
  • brightness
  • luminosity
  • intensity
  • brilliance
  • lighter
  • darker
  • dark
  • mode
  • Illumination
  • sun
  • shine
  • flash
  • ray
  • brightness-thin
  • brightness-thin-full
  • brightness-full
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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