Normal, solid, hexagon, brand, hotel, restaurant, accommodation, travel, reviews, rattings, recommendations, tourism, tripadvisor icon Tripadvisor Icon (fi-hnsuxl-tripadvisor)

<i class="fi-hnsuxl-tripadvisor"></i>
Normal, solid, hexagon, brand, hotel, restaurant, accommodation, travel, reviews, rattings, recommendations, tourism, tripadvisor.

M 858 549C 858 650 776 733 674 733 626 733 582 714 549 684 530 705 510 726 490 748 471 726 451 705 431 684 399 714 355 733 306 733 205 733 123 650 123 549 123 495 146 446 183 413 162 391 142 369 122 347 167 347 212 347 256 347 323 302 403 275 490 275 577 275 658 302 725 347 769 347 814 347 858 347 838 369 818 391 798 413 835 446 858 495 858 549ZM 431 549C 431 480 375 424 306 424 238 424 182 480 182 549 182 617 238 673 306 673 375 673 431 617 431 549ZM 628 363C 586 345 539 335 490 335 441 335 395 345 352 363 431 393 490 463 490 545 490 463 550 393 628 363ZM 798 549C 798 480 743 424 674 424 605 424 550 480 550 549 550 617 605 673 674 673 743 673 798 617 798 549ZM 739 549C 739 585 710 614 674 614 638 614 609 585 609 549 609 513 638 483 674 483 710 483 739 513 739 549ZM 372 549C 372 585 342 614 306 614 270 614 241 585 241 549 241 513 270 484 306 484 342 483 372 513 372 549Z
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 300 54C 264 54 231 73 213 104C 213 104 13 450 13 450C -4 481 -4 519 13 550C 13 550 213 896 213 896C 231 927 264 946 300 946C 300 946 700 946 700 946C 736 946 769 927 787 896C 787 896 987 550 987 550C 1004 519 1004 481 987 450C 987 450 787 104 787 104C 769 73 736 54 700 54C 700 54 300 54 300 54C 300 54 300 54 300 54 M 858 549C 858 650 776 733 674 733 626 733 582 714 549 684 530 705 510 726 490 748 471 726 451 705 431 684 399 714 355 733 306 733 205 733 123 650 123 549 123 495 146 446 183 413 162 391 142 369 122 347 167 347 212 347 256 347 323 302 403 275 490 275 577 275 658 302 725 347 769 347 814 347 858 347 838 369 818 391 798 413 835 446 858 495 858 549ZM 431 549C 431 480 375 424 306 424 238 424 182 480 182 549 182 617 238 673 306 673 375 673 431 617 431 549ZM 628 363C 586 345 539 335 490 335 441 335 395 345 352 363 431 393 490 463 490 545 490 463 550 393 628 363ZM 798 549C 798 480 743 424 674 424 605 424 550 480 550 549 550 617 605 673 674 673 743 673 798 617 798 549ZM 739 549C 739 585 710 614 674 614 638 614 609 585 609 549 609 513 638 483 674 483 710 483 739 513 739 549ZM 372 549C 372 585 342 614 306 614 270 614 241 585 241 549 241 513 270 484 306 484 342 483 372 513 372 549Z"/></svg>
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 300 54C 264 54 231 73 213 104C 213 104 13 450 13 450C -4 481 -4 519 13 550C 13 550 213 896 213 896C 231 927 264 946 300 946C 300 946 700 946 700 946C 736 946 769 927 787 896C 787 896 987 550 987 550C 1004 519 1004 481 987 450C 987 450 787 104 787 104C 769 73 736 54 700 54C 700 54 300 54 300 54C 300 54 300 54 300 54M 858 549C 858 650 776 733 674 733 626 733 582 714 549 684 530 705 510 726 490 748 471 726 451 705 431 684 399 714 355 733 306 733 205 733 123 650 123 549 123 495 146 446 183 413 162 391 142 369 122 347 167 347 212 347 256 347 323 302 403 275 490 275 577 275 658 302 725 347 769 347 814 347 858 347 838 369 818 391 798 413 835 446 858 495 858 549ZM 431 549C 431 480 375 424 306 424 238 424 182 480 182 549 182 617 238 673 306 673 375 673 431 617 431 549ZM 628 363C 586 345 539 335 490 335 441 335 395 345 352 363 431 393 490 463 490 545 490 463 550 393 628 363ZM 798 549C 798 480 743 424 674 424 605 424 550 480 550 549 550 617 605 673 674 673 743 673 798 617 798 549ZM 739 549C 739 585 710 614 674 614 638 614 609 585 609 549 609 513 638 483 674 483 710 483 739 513 739 549ZM 372 549C 372 585 342 614 306 614 270 614 241 585 241 549 241 513 270 484 306 484 342 483 372 513 372 549Z"/></svg>
Internal keywords: hexagon.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • normal
  • solid
  • hexagon
  • brand
  • hotel
  • restaurant
  • accommodation
  • travel
  • reviews
  • rattings
  • recommendations
  • tourism
  • tripadvisor
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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