Line, up, normal, octagon, video, play, forward, backward, mp3, player, pause icon Forward Icon (fi-onluxl-forward)

<i class="fi-onluxl-forward"></i>
Line, up, normal, octagon, video, play, forward, backward, mp3, player, pause.

M 558 311C 552 311 547 312 542 315 531 321 523 334 523 350 523 450 523 550 523 650 523 666 531 678 543 685 554 691 567 692 583 680 649 630 716 580 783 530 798 519 802 509 802 500 802 492 798 482 783 470 716 420 649 370 583 320 574 314 567 311 560 311 560 311 559 311 558 311ZM 233 311C 227 311 222 312 217 315 206 321 198 334 198 350 198 450 198 550 198 650 198 666 206 678 218 685 229 691 242 692 258 680 324 630 391 580 458 530 465 525 470 520 473 515 473 505 473 495 473 486 470 481 465 476 458 470 391 420 324 370 258 320 249 314 242 311 235 311 235 311 234 311 233 311ZM 231 261C 250 261 270 267 288 280 349 327 411 373 473 419 473 396 473 373 473 350 473 316 491 287 518 271 528 266 540 262 552 262 572 260 594 266 613 280 679 330 746 380 813 430 837 448 852 474 852 500 852 527 837 552 813 570 746 620 679 670 613 720 583 742 546 743 519 729 492 714 473 684 473 650 473 627 473 604 473 582 411 628 349 674 288 720 258 742 221 743 194 729 167 714 148 684 148 650 148 550 148 450 148 350 148 316 166 287 193 271 203 266 215 262 227 262 228 262 229 261 231 261Z
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 337 -1C 310 -1 285 9 266 28C 266 28 30 261 30 261C 12 280 1 305 1 332C 1 332 -1 663 -1 663C -1 690 9 715 28 734C 28 734 261 970 261 970C 280 988 305 999 332 999C 332 999 663 1001 663 1001C 690 1001 715 991 734 972C 734 972 970 739 970 739C 988 720 999 695 999 668C 999 668 1001 337 1001 337C 1001 310 991 285 972 266C 972 266 739 30 739 30C 720 12 695 1 668 1C 668 1 337 -1 337 -1M 337 51C 337 51 337 51 337 51C 337 51 668 53 668 53C 668 53 668 53 668 53C 681 53 693 58 702 67C 702 67 935 303 935 303C 935 303 935 303 935 303C 944 312 949 324 949 337C 949 337 947 668 947 668C 947 668 947 668 947 668C 947 681 942 693 933 702C 933 702 697 935 697 935C 688 944 676 949 663 949C 663 949 332 947 332 947C 319 947 307 942 298 933C 298 933 65 697 65 697C 56 688 51 676 51 663C 51 663 53 332 53 332C 53 319 58 307 67 298C 67 298 303 65 303 65C 312 56 324 51 337 51C 337 51 337 51 337 51 M 558 311C 552 311 547 312 542 315 531 321 523 334 523 350 523 450 523 550 523 650 523 666 531 678 543 685 554 691 567 692 583 680 649 630 716 580 783 530 798 519 802 509 802 500 802 492 798 482 783 470 716 420 649 370 583 320 574 314 567 311 560 311 560 311 559 311 558 311ZM 233 311C 227 311 222 312 217 315 206 321 198 334 198 350 198 450 198 550 198 650 198 666 206 678 218 685 229 691 242 692 258 680 324 630 391 580 458 530 465 525 470 520 473 515 473 505 473 495 473 486 470 481 465 476 458 470 391 420 324 370 258 320 249 314 242 311 235 311 235 311 234 311 233 311ZM 231 261C 250 261 270 267 288 280 349 327 411 373 473 419 473 396 473 373 473 350 473 316 491 287 518 271 528 266 540 262 552 262 572 260 594 266 613 280 679 330 746 380 813 430 837 448 852 474 852 500 852 527 837 552 813 570 746 620 679 670 613 720 583 742 546 743 519 729 492 714 473 684 473 650 473 627 473 604 473 582 411 628 349 674 288 720 258 742 221 743 194 729 167 714 148 684 148 650 148 550 148 450 148 350 148 316 166 287 193 271 203 266 215 262 227 262 228 262 229 261 231 261Z"/></svg>
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Internal keywords: octagon, pause, play.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • line
  • up
  • normal
  • octagon
  • video
  • play
  • forward
  • backward
  • mp3
  • player
  • pause
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
# ID Query URL Count