Warehouse Open Icon (fi-snluxl-warehouse-open)
<i class="fi-snluxl-warehouse-open"></i>
Line, normal, square, car, storage, repository, amazon, parking, distribution, warehouse, hangar, logistics, inventory, depot, storehouse, stockroom, warehouse-open, garage, carport.
M 300 543C 300 558 300 574 300 590 433 590 567 590 700 590 700 574 700 558 700 543 567 543 433 543 300 543ZM 325 450C 316 450 310 453 306 457 303 460 300 466 300 475 300 481 300 487 300 493 433 493 567 493 700 493 700 487 700 481 700 475 700 466 697 460 693 457 690 453 684 450 675 450 558 450 442 450 325 450ZM 500 228C 392 282 283 336 175 390 175 519 175 647 175 775 200 775 225 775 250 775 250 675 250 575 250 475 250 455 257 435 271 421 285 407 304 400 325 400 442 400 558 400 675 400 696 400 715 408 729 421 743 435 750 455 750 475 750 575 750 675 750 775 775 775 800 775 825 775 825 647 825 519 825 390 717 336 608 282 500 228ZM 500 175C 504 175 508 176 511 178 628 236 745 294 861 353 870 357 875 366 875 375 875 517 875 658 875 800 875 814 864 825 850 825 808 825 767 825 725 825 711 825 700 814 700 800 700 747 700 693 700 640 567 640 433 640 300 640 300 693 300 747 300 800 300 814 289 825 275 825 233 825 192 825 150 825 136 825 125 814 125 800 125 658 125 517 125 375 125 366 130 357 139 353 255 294 372 236 489 178 492 176 496 175 500 175Z
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viewBox="0 0 1000 1000"
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M 75 0C 75 0 75 0 75 0C 33 0 0 33 0 75C 0 75 0 925 0 925C 0 967 33 1000 75 1000C 75 1000 925 1000 925 1000C 967 1000 1000 967 1000 925C 1000 925 1000 75 1000 75C 1000 33 967 0 925 0C 925 0 75 0 75 0M 75 50C 75 50 925 50 925 50C 939 50 950 61 950 75C 950 75 950 925 950 925C 950 939 939 950 925 950C 925 950 75 950 75 950C 61 950 50 939 50 925C 50 925 50 75 50 75C 50 61 61 50 75 50M 300 543C 300 558 300 574 300 590 433 590 567 590 700 590 700 574 700 558 700 543 567 543 433 543 300 543ZM 325 450C 316 450 310 453 306 457 303 460 300 466 300 475 300 481 300 487 300 493 433 493 567 493 700 493 700 487 700 481 700 475 700 466 697 460 693 457 690 453 684 450 675 450 558 450 442 450 325 450ZM 500 228C 392 282 283 336 175 390 175 519 175 647 175 775 200 775 225 775 250 775 250 675 250 575 250 475 250 455 257 435 271 421 285 407 304 400 325 400 442 400 558 400 675 400 696 400 715 408 729 421 743 435 750 455 750 475 750 575 750 675 750 775 775 775 800 775 825 775 825 647 825 519 825 390 717 336 608 282 500 228ZM 500 175C 504 175 508 176 511 178 628 236 745 294 861 353 870 357 875 366 875 375 875 517 875 658 875 800 875 814 864 825 850 825 808 825 767 825 725 825 711 825 700 814 700 800 700 747 700 693 700 640 567 640 433 640 300 640 300 693 300 747 300 800 300 814 289 825 275 825 233 825 192 825 150 825 136 825 125 814 125 800 125 658 125 517 125 375 125 366 130 357 139 353 255 294 372 236 489 178 492 176 496 175 500 175Z"/></svg>
Internal keywords: amazon, hangar, warehouse, warehouse-open, square.
Friconix is a collection of free flat icons.
The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app.
All our icons are
vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor.
The icon presented on this page is related to:
- line
- normal
- square
- car
- storage
- repository
- amazon
- parking
- distribution
- warehouse
- hangar
- logistics
- inventory
- depot
- storehouse
- stockroom
- warehouse-open
- garage
- carport
To use our icons, you have several options.
recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need.
The reader will find a board example on this page :
DOT-50 public services pictograms.
Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site.
Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the
tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons.
While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading.
This option is detailled on
quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.