Thin, line, square, logo, brand, social, network, prohibited, link, brands, links, reddit icon Reddit Icon (fi-stpuxl-reddit)

<i class="fi-stpuxl-reddit"></i>
Thin, line, square, logo, brand, social, network, prohibited, link, brands, links, reddit.

M 789 567C 790 574 791 581 791 588C 791 700 661 790 501 790C 341 790 211 700 211 588C 211 581 212 573 213 566C 188 555 170 530 170 500C 170 460 203 427 243 427C 262 427 280 436 293 448C 343 411 412 388 489 386C 489 386 526 213 526 213C 527 210 528 207 531 205C 534 203 538 203 541 203C 541 203 661 229 661 229C 670 211 687 200 707 200C 736 200 759 223 759 251C 759 280 736 303 707 303C 679 303 657 281 656 254C 656 254 548 231 548 231C 548 231 515 386 515 386C 591 389 659 412 708 448C 721 435 739 427 758 427C 799 427 831 460 831 500C 831 530 813 555 789 567C 789 567 789 567 789 567M 386 603C 415 603 438 580 438 552C 438 523 415 500 386 500C 358 500 334 523 334 552C 334 580 358 603 386 603C 386 603 386 603 386 603M 624 669C 619 664 610 664 605 669C 582 691 535 699 501 699C 467 699 419 691 397 669C 392 664 383 664 378 669C 373 674 373 683 378 688C 413 723 481 726 501 726C 520 726 588 724 623 688C 628 683 628 675 624 669C 624 669 624 669 624 669M 666 552C 666 523 642 500 614 500C 585 500 562 523 562 552C 562 580 585 603 614 603C 642 603 666 580 666 552C 666 552 666 552 666 552
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 50 0C 22 0 0 22 0 50C 0 50 0 950 0 950C 0 978 22 1000 50 1000C 50 1000 950 1000 950 1000C 978 1000 1000 978 1000 950C 1000 950 1000 50 1000 50C 1000 22 978 0 950 0C 950 0 50 0 50 0C 50 0 50 0 50 0M 50 25C 50 25 950 25 950 25C 964 25 975 36 975 50C 975 50 975 950 975 950C 975 952 975 954 974 956C 974 956 44 26 44 26C 46 25 48 25 50 25C 50 25 50 25 50 25M 26 44C 26 44 956 974 956 974C 954 975 952 975 950 975C 950 975 50 975 50 975C 36 975 25 964 25 950C 25 950 25 50 25 50C 25 48 25 46 26 44C 26 44 26 44 26 44 M 789 567C 790 574 791 581 791 588C 791 700 661 790 501 790C 341 790 211 700 211 588C 211 581 212 573 213 566C 188 555 170 530 170 500C 170 460 203 427 243 427C 262 427 280 436 293 448C 343 411 412 388 489 386C 489 386 526 213 526 213C 527 210 528 207 531 205C 534 203 538 203 541 203C 541 203 661 229 661 229C 670 211 687 200 707 200C 736 200 759 223 759 251C 759 280 736 303 707 303C 679 303 657 281 656 254C 656 254 548 231 548 231C 548 231 515 386 515 386C 591 389 659 412 708 448C 721 435 739 427 758 427C 799 427 831 460 831 500C 831 530 813 555 789 567C 789 567 789 567 789 567M 386 603C 415 603 438 580 438 552C 438 523 415 500 386 500C 358 500 334 523 334 552C 334 580 358 603 386 603C 386 603 386 603 386 603M 624 669C 619 664 610 664 605 669C 582 691 535 699 501 699C 467 699 419 691 397 669C 392 664 383 664 378 669C 373 674 373 683 378 688C 413 723 481 726 501 726C 520 726 588 724 623 688C 628 683 628 675 624 669C 624 669 624 669 624 669M 666 552C 666 523 642 500 614 500C 585 500 562 523 562 552C 562 580 585 603 614 603C 642 603 666 580 666 552C 666 552 666 552 666 552"/></svg>
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Internal keywords: reddit, link, network, square.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • thin
  • line
  • square
  • logo
  • brand
  • social
  • network
  • prohibited
  • link
  • brands
  • links
  • reddit
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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