Wide, solid, square, bomb, explosive, detonator, blast, fuse, spark, c4, dynamite, boom, bomb-wide icon Bomb Wide Icon (fi-swsuxl-bomb-wide)

<i class="fi-swsuxl-bomb-wide"></i>
Wide, solid, square, bomb, explosive, detonator, blast, fuse, spark, c4, dynamite, boom, bomb-wide.

M 840 146V 159H 854C 875 159 892 176 892 196 892 217 875 234 854 234H 840V 253C 840 274 824 290 803 290 782 290 765 274 765 253V 234H 749C 729 234 712 217 712 196 712 176 729 159 749 159H 765V 146C 765 125 782 108 803 108 824 108 840 125 840 146ZM 609 228C 618 233 621 236 627 240 633 245 640 251 648 258 655 265 663 272 672 280L 688 264C 695 257 705 253 714 253 724 253 734 257 741 264 755 279 755 303 741 317L 725 332C 735 343 744 352 751 362 759 370 765 378 770 387 775 396 782 403 780 425H 780C 777 445 768 455 760 465 752 474 743 482 736 490 732 493 728 497 725 500 735 527 734 548 734 579 734 751 594 892 421 892 249 892 108 751 108 579 108 406 249 266 421 266 456 266 479 266 504 273 507 270 513 265 519 258 527 250 535 241 549 232 557 227 571 222 585 222 593 222 601 224 609 228ZM 574 310C 566 318 558 327 545 336 532 345 509 353 487 346 472 341 459 341 421 341 289 341 183 447 183 579 183 711 289 817 421 817 553 817 659 711 659 579 659 539 663 543 650 513 645 500 647 486 650 478 653 470 657 464 661 460 668 450 676 443 684 436 690 429 696 423 701 418 699 416 696 413 694 409 682 396 666 378 648 361 631 344 613 327 598 314 592 309 587 305 582 301 580 304 577 306 574 310ZM 422 371C 439 373 453 386 455 403 458 423 443 442 423 445 350 455 298 520 305 593 306 614 291 632 270 634 250 635 232 620 230 600 220 487 301 386 413 371 414 370 416 370 418 370 419 370 421 370 422 371ZM 705 425C 705 425 705 425 705 425 705 429 706 427 705 425Z
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M 100 0C 45 0 0 45 0 100C 0 100 0 900 0 900C 0 955 45 1000 100 1000C 100 1000 900 1000 900 1000C 955 1000 1000 955 1000 900C 1000 900 1000 100 1000 100C 1000 45 955 0 900 0C 900 0 100 0 100 0C 100 0 100 0 100 0 M 840 146V 159H 854C 875 159 892 176 892 196 892 217 875 234 854 234H 840V 253C 840 274 824 290 803 290 782 290 765 274 765 253V 234H 749C 729 234 712 217 712 196 712 176 729 159 749 159H 765V 146C 765 125 782 108 803 108 824 108 840 125 840 146ZM 609 228C 618 233 621 236 627 240 633 245 640 251 648 258 655 265 663 272 672 280L 688 264C 695 257 705 253 714 253 724 253 734 257 741 264 755 279 755 303 741 317L 725 332C 735 343 744 352 751 362 759 370 765 378 770 387 775 396 782 403 780 425H 780C 777 445 768 455 760 465 752 474 743 482 736 490 732 493 728 497 725 500 735 527 734 548 734 579 734 751 594 892 421 892 249 892 108 751 108 579 108 406 249 266 421 266 456 266 479 266 504 273 507 270 513 265 519 258 527 250 535 241 549 232 557 227 571 222 585 222 593 222 601 224 609 228ZM 574 310C 566 318 558 327 545 336 532 345 509 353 487 346 472 341 459 341 421 341 289 341 183 447 183 579 183 711 289 817 421 817 553 817 659 711 659 579 659 539 663 543 650 513 645 500 647 486 650 478 653 470 657 464 661 460 668 450 676 443 684 436 690 429 696 423 701 418 699 416 696 413 694 409 682 396 666 378 648 361 631 344 613 327 598 314 592 309 587 305 582 301 580 304 577 306 574 310ZM 422 371C 439 373 453 386 455 403 458 423 443 442 423 445 350 455 298 520 305 593 306 614 291 632 270 634 250 635 232 620 230 600 220 487 301 386 413 371 414 370 416 370 418 370 419 370 421 370 422 371ZM 705 425C 705 425 705 425 705 425 705 429 706 427 705 425Z"/></svg>
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Internal keywords: bomb, bomb-wide, square.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • wide
  • solid
  • square
  • bomb
  • explosive
  • detonator
  • blast
  • fuse
  • spark
  • c4
  • dynamite
  • boom
  • bomb-wide
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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