Line, normal, bell, notification, alarm icon Bell Icon (fi-xnluxl-bell)

<i class="fi-xnluxl-bell"></i>
Line, normal, bell, notification, alarm.

M 525 163C 525 163 525 214 525 214C 567 218 599 232 622 254C 650 281 663 315 671 350C 688 420 690 495 720 535C 724 540 750 556 775 580C 801 605 825 643 825 700C 825 721 815 739 802 752C 789 765 771 775 750 775C 750 775 622 775 622 775C 615 810 594 840 563 858C 524 881 476 881 437 858C 406 840 385 810 378 775C 378 775 250 775 250 775C 229 775 211 765 198 752C 185 739 175 721 175 700C 175 643 199 605 225 580C 250 556 276 540 280 535C 310 495 312 420 329 350C 337 315 350 281 378 254C 401 232 433 218 475 214C 475 214 475 163 475 163C 475 149 486 137 500 137C 514 137 525 148 525 163C 525 163 525 163 525 163M 412 290C 395 307 385 331 377 362C 363 423 365 505 320 565C 302 589 278 598 259 616C 240 635 225 657 225 700C 225 704 228 711 233 717C 239 722 246 725 250 725C 417 725 583 725 750 725C 754 725 761 722 767 717C 772 711 775 704 775 700C 775 657 760 635 741 616C 722 598 698 589 680 565C 635 505 637 423 623 362C 615 331 605 307 588 290C 571 274 546 262 500 263C 500 263 500 263 500 263C 454 263 429 274 412 290C 412 290 412 290 412 290M 462 815C 486 828 514 828 538 815C 553 806 565 792 571 775C 571 775 429 775 429 775C 435 792 447 806 462 815C 462 815 462 815 462 815
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d=" M 525 163C 525 163 525 214 525 214C 567 218 599 232 622 254C 650 281 663 315 671 350C 688 420 690 495 720 535C 724 540 750 556 775 580C 801 605 825 643 825 700C 825 721 815 739 802 752C 789 765 771 775 750 775C 750 775 622 775 622 775C 615 810 594 840 563 858C 524 881 476 881 437 858C 406 840 385 810 378 775C 378 775 250 775 250 775C 229 775 211 765 198 752C 185 739 175 721 175 700C 175 643 199 605 225 580C 250 556 276 540 280 535C 310 495 312 420 329 350C 337 315 350 281 378 254C 401 232 433 218 475 214C 475 214 475 163 475 163C 475 149 486 137 500 137C 514 137 525 148 525 163C 525 163 525 163 525 163M 412 290C 395 307 385 331 377 362C 363 423 365 505 320 565C 302 589 278 598 259 616C 240 635 225 657 225 700C 225 704 228 711 233 717C 239 722 246 725 250 725C 417 725 583 725 750 725C 754 725 761 722 767 717C 772 711 775 704 775 700C 775 657 760 635 741 616C 722 598 698 589 680 565C 635 505 637 423 623 362C 615 331 605 307 588 290C 571 274 546 262 500 263C 500 263 500 263 500 263C 454 263 429 274 412 290C 412 290 412 290 412 290M 462 815C 486 828 514 828 538 815C 553 806 565 792 571 775C 571 775 429 775 429 775C 435 792 447 806 462 815C 462 815 462 815 462 815"/></svg>
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 525 163C 525 163 525 214 525 214C 567 218 599 232 622 254C 650 281 663 315 671 350C 688 420 690 495 720 535C 724 540 750 556 775 580C 801 605 825 643 825 700C 825 721 815 739 802 752C 789 765 771 775 750 775C 750 775 622 775 622 775C 615 810 594 840 563 858C 524 881 476 881 437 858C 406 840 385 810 378 775C 378 775 250 775 250 775C 229 775 211 765 198 752C 185 739 175 721 175 700C 175 643 199 605 225 580C 250 556 276 540 280 535C 310 495 312 420 329 350C 337 315 350 281 378 254C 401 232 433 218 475 214C 475 214 475 163 475 163C 475 149 486 137 500 137C 514 137 525 148 525 163C 525 163 525 163 525 163M 412 290C 395 307 385 331 377 362C 363 423 365 505 320 565C 302 589 278 598 259 616C 240 635 225 657 225 700C 225 704 228 711 233 717C 239 722 246 725 250 725C 417 725 583 725 750 725C 754 725 761 722 767 717C 772 711 775 704 775 700C 775 657 760 635 741 616C 722 598 698 589 680 565C 635 505 637 423 623 362C 615 331 605 307 588 290C 571 274 546 262 500 263C 500 263 500 263 500 263C 454 263 429 274 412 290C 412 290 412 290 412 290M 462 815C 486 828 514 828 538 815C 553 806 565 792 571 775C 571 775 429 775 429 775C 435 792 447 806 462 815C 462 815 462 815 462 815"/></svg>
Internal keywords: bell, notification, notifications, alarm, notification icon, Notification, bell icon, bel, ball, notification , alarm gif.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • line
  • normal
  • bell
  • notification
  • alarm
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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