Line, normal, php, hypertext, preprocessor, elipse, prohibited, php-elips icon Php Elips Icon (fi-xnpuxl-php-elips)

<i class="fi-xnpuxl-php-elips"></i>
Line, normal, php, hypertext, preprocessor, elipse, prohibited, php-elips.

M 501 240C 501 240 501 240 501 240C 633 240 760 267 854 316C 947 365 1000 431 1000 500C 1000 569 947 635 854 684C 760 733 633 760 501 760C 368 760 241 733 147 684C 54 635 1 569 1 500C 1 431 54 365 147 316C 241 267 368 240 501 240M 501 264C 501 264 501 264 501 264C 373 264 246 292 159 338C 71 383 25 444 25 500C 25 556 71 617 159 662C 246 708 373 736 501 736C 628 736 755 708 843 662C 930 617 976 556 976 500C 976 444 930 383 843 338C 755 292 628 264 501 264M 443 314C 443 314 500 314 500 314C 500 314 486 384 486 384C 536 384 581 381 603 401C 626 422 615 449 590 577C 590 577 532 577 532 577C 556 453 561 443 552 434C 544 425 525 427 478 427C 478 427 449 577 449 577C 449 577 392 577 392 577C 392 577 443 314 443 314M 204 384C 204 384 315 384 315 384C 348 384 372 393 387 410C 416 444 406 510 365 548C 328 582 288 578 224 578C 224 578 211 648 211 648C 211 648 153 648 153 648C 153 648 204 384 204 384M 652 384C 652 384 762 384 762 384C 795 384 820 393 835 410C 864 444 853 510 812 548C 776 582 739 578 672 578C 672 578 658 648 658 648C 658 648 601 648 601 648C 601 648 652 384 652 384M 285 426C 285 426 285 426 285 426C 275 426 265 426 254 426C 254 426 232 536 232 536C 286 536 329 543 342 479C 351 431 326 426 285 426M 732 426C 732 426 732 426 732 426C 723 426 712 426 701 426C 701 426 680 536 680 536C 732 536 777 544 789 479C 799 431 774 426 732 426
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 0 0C 0 0 0 35 0 35C 0 35 965 1000 965 1000C 965 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000C 1000 1000 1000 965 1000 965C 1000 965 35 0 35 0C 35 0 0 0 0 0C 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 501 240C 501 240 501 240 501 240C 633 240 760 267 854 316C 947 365 1000 431 1000 500C 1000 569 947 635 854 684C 760 733 633 760 501 760C 368 760 241 733 147 684C 54 635 1 569 1 500C 1 431 54 365 147 316C 241 267 368 240 501 240M 501 264C 501 264 501 264 501 264C 373 264 246 292 159 338C 71 383 25 444 25 500C 25 556 71 617 159 662C 246 708 373 736 501 736C 628 736 755 708 843 662C 930 617 976 556 976 500C 976 444 930 383 843 338C 755 292 628 264 501 264M 443 314C 443 314 500 314 500 314C 500 314 486 384 486 384C 536 384 581 381 603 401C 626 422 615 449 590 577C 590 577 532 577 532 577C 556 453 561 443 552 434C 544 425 525 427 478 427C 478 427 449 577 449 577C 449 577 392 577 392 577C 392 577 443 314 443 314M 204 384C 204 384 315 384 315 384C 348 384 372 393 387 410C 416 444 406 510 365 548C 328 582 288 578 224 578C 224 578 211 648 211 648C 211 648 153 648 153 648C 153 648 204 384 204 384M 652 384C 652 384 762 384 762 384C 795 384 820 393 835 410C 864 444 853 510 812 548C 776 582 739 578 672 578C 672 578 658 648 658 648C 658 648 601 648 601 648C 601 648 652 384 652 384M 285 426C 285 426 285 426 285 426C 275 426 265 426 254 426C 254 426 232 536 232 536C 286 536 329 543 342 479C 351 431 326 426 285 426M 732 426C 732 426 732 426 732 426C 723 426 712 426 701 426C 701 426 680 536 680 536C 732 536 777 544 789 479C 799 431 774 426 732 426"/></svg>
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 0 0C 0 0 0 35 0 35C 0 35 965 1000 965 1000C 965 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000C 1000 1000 1000 965 1000 965C 1000 965 35 0 35 0C 35 0 0 0 0 0C 0 0 0 0 0 0M 501 240C 501 240 501 240 501 240C 633 240 760 267 854 316C 947 365 1000 431 1000 500C 1000 569 947 635 854 684C 760 733 633 760 501 760C 368 760 241 733 147 684C 54 635 1 569 1 500C 1 431 54 365 147 316C 241 267 368 240 501 240M 501 264C 501 264 501 264 501 264C 373 264 246 292 159 338C 71 383 25 444 25 500C 25 556 71 617 159 662C 246 708 373 736 501 736C 628 736 755 708 843 662C 930 617 976 556 976 500C 976 444 930 383 843 338C 755 292 628 264 501 264M 443 314C 443 314 500 314 500 314C 500 314 486 384 486 384C 536 384 581 381 603 401C 626 422 615 449 590 577C 590 577 532 577 532 577C 556 453 561 443 552 434C 544 425 525 427 478 427C 478 427 449 577 449 577C 449 577 392 577 392 577C 392 577 443 314 443 314M 204 384C 204 384 315 384 315 384C 348 384 372 393 387 410C 416 444 406 510 365 548C 328 582 288 578 224 578C 224 578 211 648 211 648C 211 648 153 648 153 648C 153 648 204 384 204 384M 652 384C 652 384 762 384 762 384C 795 384 820 393 835 410C 864 444 853 510 812 548C 776 582 739 578 672 578C 672 578 658 648 658 648C 658 648 601 648 601 648C 601 648 652 384 652 384M 285 426C 285 426 285 426 285 426C 275 426 265 426 254 426C 254 426 232 536 232 536C 286 536 329 543 342 479C 351 431 326 426 285 426M 732 426C 732 426 732 426 732 426C 723 426 712 426 701 426C 701 426 680 536 680 536C 732 536 777 544 789 479C 799 431 774 426 732 426"/></svg>
Internal keywords: php-elips, php.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • line
  • normal
  • php
  • hypertext
  • preprocessor
  • elipse
  • prohibited
  • php-elips
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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