Normal, solid, information, dot, pictogram, dot-50, hotel, hotel-information, dot-hotel-information icon Dot Hotel Information Icon (fi-xnsuxl-dot-hotel-information)

<i class="fi-xnsuxl-dot-hotel-information"></i>
Normal, solid, information, dot, pictogram, dot-50, hotel, hotel-information, dot-hotel-information.

M 674 277C 674 374 595 453 499 454C 402 453 324 374 324 277C 324 179 402 100 499 100C 595 100 674 179 674 277C 674 277 674 277 674 277M 364 277C 364 352 424 413 499 413C 573 413 633 352 633 277C 633 202 573 141 499 141C 424 141 364 202 364 277C 364 277 364 277 364 277M 517 162C 543 167 573 192 573 229C 573 265 544 279 534 285C 524 292 520 300 520 308C 520 308 520 339 520 339C 520 339 480 339 480 339C 480 339 480 294 480 294C 480 280 485 271 498 262C 498 262 520 247 520 247C 534 238 534 218 525 209C 517 202 504 197 490 200C 465 205 463 224 463 242C 463 242 463 250 463 250C 463 250 423 250 423 250C 423 216 427 201 445 182C 459 166 478 160 497 160C 504 160 511 161 517 162C 517 162 517 162 517 162M 520 355C 520 355 520 395 520 395C 520 395 480 395 480 395C 480 395 480 355 480 355C 480 355 520 355 520 355M 199 454C 199 454 199 692 199 692C 199 692 800 692 800 692C 800 692 800 555 800 555C 800 496 878 496 878 555C 878 555 878 899 878 899C 878 899 801 899 801 899C 801 899 801 785 801 785C 801 785 201 785 201 785C 201 785 201 900 201 900C 201 900 122 900 122 900C 122 900 122 454 122 454C 122 427 142 413 161 413C 180 413 199 427 199 454C 199 454 199 454 199 454M 354 533C 354 572 322 604 283 604C 244 604 213 572 213 533C 213 494 244 463 283 463C 322 463 354 494 354 533C 354 533 354 533 354 533M 426 550C 426 550 426 643 426 643C 426 662 413 678 393 678C 393 678 251 678 251 678C 198 678 198 611 251 611C 251 611 359 611 359 611C 359 611 359 550 359 550C 359 524 376 512 393 512C 410 512 426 524 426 550C 426 550 426 550 426 550M 718 513C 759 513 784 540 784 576C 784 576 784 678 784 678C 784 678 436 678 436 678C 436 678 436 513 436 513C 436 513 718 513 718 513
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d=" M 674 277C 674 374 595 453 499 454C 402 453 324 374 324 277C 324 179 402 100 499 100C 595 100 674 179 674 277C 674 277 674 277 674 277M 364 277C 364 352 424 413 499 413C 573 413 633 352 633 277C 633 202 573 141 499 141C 424 141 364 202 364 277C 364 277 364 277 364 277M 517 162C 543 167 573 192 573 229C 573 265 544 279 534 285C 524 292 520 300 520 308C 520 308 520 339 520 339C 520 339 480 339 480 339C 480 339 480 294 480 294C 480 280 485 271 498 262C 498 262 520 247 520 247C 534 238 534 218 525 209C 517 202 504 197 490 200C 465 205 463 224 463 242C 463 242 463 250 463 250C 463 250 423 250 423 250C 423 216 427 201 445 182C 459 166 478 160 497 160C 504 160 511 161 517 162C 517 162 517 162 517 162M 520 355C 520 355 520 395 520 395C 520 395 480 395 480 395C 480 395 480 355 480 355C 480 355 520 355 520 355M 199 454C 199 454 199 692 199 692C 199 692 800 692 800 692C 800 692 800 555 800 555C 800 496 878 496 878 555C 878 555 878 899 878 899C 878 899 801 899 801 899C 801 899 801 785 801 785C 801 785 201 785 201 785C 201 785 201 900 201 900C 201 900 122 900 122 900C 122 900 122 454 122 454C 122 427 142 413 161 413C 180 413 199 427 199 454C 199 454 199 454 199 454M 354 533C 354 572 322 604 283 604C 244 604 213 572 213 533C 213 494 244 463 283 463C 322 463 354 494 354 533C 354 533 354 533 354 533M 426 550C 426 550 426 643 426 643C 426 662 413 678 393 678C 393 678 251 678 251 678C 198 678 198 611 251 611C 251 611 359 611 359 611C 359 611 359 550 359 550C 359 524 376 512 393 512C 410 512 426 524 426 550C 426 550 426 550 426 550M 718 513C 759 513 784 540 784 576C 784 576 784 678 784 678C 784 678 436 678 436 678C 436 678 436 513 436 513C 436 513 718 513 718 513"/></svg>
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 674 277C 674 374 595 453 499 454C 402 453 324 374 324 277C 324 179 402 100 499 100C 595 100 674 179 674 277C 674 277 674 277 674 277M 364 277C 364 352 424 413 499 413C 573 413 633 352 633 277C 633 202 573 141 499 141C 424 141 364 202 364 277C 364 277 364 277 364 277M 517 162C 543 167 573 192 573 229C 573 265 544 279 534 285C 524 292 520 300 520 308C 520 308 520 339 520 339C 520 339 480 339 480 339C 480 339 480 294 480 294C 480 280 485 271 498 262C 498 262 520 247 520 247C 534 238 534 218 525 209C 517 202 504 197 490 200C 465 205 463 224 463 242C 463 242 463 250 463 250C 463 250 423 250 423 250C 423 216 427 201 445 182C 459 166 478 160 497 160C 504 160 511 161 517 162C 517 162 517 162 517 162M 520 355C 520 355 520 395 520 395C 520 395 480 395 480 395C 480 395 480 355 480 355C 480 355 520 355 520 355M 199 454C 199 454 199 692 199 692C 199 692 800 692 800 692C 800 692 800 555 800 555C 800 496 878 496 878 555C 878 555 878 899 878 899C 878 899 801 899 801 899C 801 899 801 785 801 785C 801 785 201 785 201 785C 201 785 201 900 201 900C 201 900 122 900 122 900C 122 900 122 454 122 454C 122 427 142 413 161 413C 180 413 199 427 199 454C 199 454 199 454 199 454M 354 533C 354 572 322 604 283 604C 244 604 213 572 213 533C 213 494 244 463 283 463C 322 463 354 494 354 533C 354 533 354 533 354 533M 426 550C 426 550 426 643 426 643C 426 662 413 678 393 678C 393 678 251 678 251 678C 198 678 198 611 251 611C 251 611 359 611 359 611C 359 611 359 550 359 550C 359 524 376 512 393 512C 410 512 426 524 426 550C 426 550 426 550 426 550M 718 513C 759 513 784 540 784 576C 784 576 784 678 784 678C 784 678 436 678 436 678C 436 678 436 513 436 513C 436 513 718 513 718 513"/></svg>
Internal keywords: dot, hotel, dot-hotel-information, Hotel, hotels.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • normal
  • solid
  • information
  • dot
  • pictogram
  • dot-50
  • hotel
  • hotel-information
  • dot-hotel-information
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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