Thin, line, horizontal, mirror, prohibited, space, plane, airplane, helicopter, warehouse, hangar, aircraft, aviation, military, aerospace, hangar-thin icon Hangar Thin Icon (fi-xtpuhl-hangar-thin)

<i class="fi-xtpuhl-hangar-thin"></i>
Thin, line, horizontal, mirror, prohibited, space, plane, airplane, helicopter, warehouse, hangar, aircraft, aviation, military, aerospace, hangar-thin.

M 694 276C 760 314 814 372 847 441 875 496 888 558 887 619 887 667 887 715 887 764 887 770 882 776 876 776 853 776 830 776 807 776 580 776 352 776 125 776 119 776 113 771 113 764 112 742 113 719 113 696 113 667 112 638 113 609 113 531 138 453 183 390 225 329 286 280 354 252 421 225 495 217 565 229 610 237 654 253 694 276ZM 319 298C 256 334 205 390 174 455 149 506 137 563 138 619 138 663 138 707 138 751 179 751 221 751 263 751 262 746 263 740 263 735 263 675 262 615 263 555 263 541 274 529 288 527 293 526 299 526 305 526 440 526 574 526 709 526 723 526 735 538 737 551 738 557 737 563 738 569 737 628 738 688 737 747 737 749 736 752 739 751 780 751 821 751 862 751 862 704 863 656 862 609 862 536 838 463 796 403 755 345 697 299 631 273 568 249 498 242 431 255 392 263 353 277 319 298ZM 550 326C 557 326 563 333 562 340 562 347 555 352 549 351 516 351 483 351 449 351 442 351 436 344 438 337 438 330 445 326 451 326 484 326 517 326 550 326ZM 650 426C 657 426 663 433 662 440 662 447 655 452 649 451 549 451 449 451 349 451 342 451 336 444 338 437 338 430 345 426 351 426 451 426 550 426 650 426ZM 287 556C 288 620 287 683 288 747 288 750 290 752 293 751 358 751 423 751 487 751 487 685 487 618 487 551 422 551 357 551 292 551 289 551 287 553 287 556ZM 512 751C 578 751 643 751 708 751 711 751 713 748 713 746 712 682 713 619 712 555 712 552 710 551 707 551 642 551 577 551 512 551 512 618 512 685 512 751Z
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 0 0C 0 0 0 18 0 18C 0 18 982 1000 982 1000C 982 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000C 1000 1000 1000 982 1000 982C 1000 982 18 0 18 0C 18 0 0 0 0 0C 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 694 276C 760 314 814 372 847 441 875 496 888 558 887 619 887 667 887 715 887 764 887 770 882 776 876 776 853 776 830 776 807 776 580 776 352 776 125 776 119 776 113 771 113 764 112 742 113 719 113 696 113 667 112 638 113 609 113 531 138 453 183 390 225 329 286 280 354 252 421 225 495 217 565 229 610 237 654 253 694 276ZM 319 298C 256 334 205 390 174 455 149 506 137 563 138 619 138 663 138 707 138 751 179 751 221 751 263 751 262 746 263 740 263 735 263 675 262 615 263 555 263 541 274 529 288 527 293 526 299 526 305 526 440 526 574 526 709 526 723 526 735 538 737 551 738 557 737 563 738 569 737 628 738 688 737 747 737 749 736 752 739 751 780 751 821 751 862 751 862 704 863 656 862 609 862 536 838 463 796 403 755 345 697 299 631 273 568 249 498 242 431 255 392 263 353 277 319 298ZM 550 326C 557 326 563 333 562 340 562 347 555 352 549 351 516 351 483 351 449 351 442 351 436 344 438 337 438 330 445 326 451 326 484 326 517 326 550 326ZM 650 426C 657 426 663 433 662 440 662 447 655 452 649 451 549 451 449 451 349 451 342 451 336 444 338 437 338 430 345 426 351 426 451 426 550 426 650 426ZM 287 556C 288 620 287 683 288 747 288 750 290 752 293 751 358 751 423 751 487 751 487 685 487 618 487 551 422 551 357 551 292 551 289 551 287 553 287 556ZM 512 751C 578 751 643 751 708 751 711 751 713 748 713 746 712 682 713 619 712 555 712 552 710 551 707 551 642 551 577 551 512 551 512 618 512 685 512 751Z" transform="translate(1000,0) scale(-1,1)"/></svg>
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Internal keywords: hangar-thin, hangar, warehouse.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • thin
  • line
  • horizontal
  • mirror
  • prohibited
  • space
  • plane
  • airplane
  • helicopter
  • warehouse
  • hangar
  • aircraft
  • aviation
  • military
  • aerospace
  • hangar-thin
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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