Line, down, wide, horizontal, mirror, video, prohibited, phone, mobile, smartphone, call, smartphone-video, smartphone-video-wide icon Smartphone Video Wide Icon (fi-xwpdhl-smartphone-video-wide)

<i class="fi-xwpdhl-smartphone-video-wide"></i>
Line, down, wide, horizontal, mirror, video, prohibited, phone, mobile, smartphone, call, smartphone-video, smartphone-video-wide.

M 690 25C 742 25 785 68 785 120C 785 120 785 880 785 880C 785 932 742 975 690 975C 690 975 310 975 310 975C 258 975 215 932 215 880C 215 880 215 120 215 120C 215 68 258 25 310 25C 310 25 690 25 690 25M 296 120C 296 120 296 676 296 676C 296 676 704 676 704 676C 704 676 704 120 704 120C 704 112 698 106 690 106C 690 106 310 106 310 106C 302 106 296 112 296 120C 296 120 296 120 296 120M 534 285C 556 285 575 304 575 326C 575 326 575 341 575 341C 575 341 651 288 651 288C 654 286 657 285 660 285C 668 285 675 292 675 300C 675 300 675 500 675 500C 675 506 672 511 667 513C 662 516 656 515 651 512C 651 512 575 459 575 459C 575 459 575 474 575 474C 575 496 556 515 534 515C 534 515 366 515 366 515C 344 515 325 496 325 474C 325 474 325 326 325 326C 325 304 344 285 366 285C 366 285 534 285 534 285M 296 880C 296 888 302 894 310 894C 310 894 690 894 690 894C 698 894 704 888 704 880C 704 880 704 758 704 758C 704 758 296 758 296 758C 296 758 296 880 296 880M 543 826C 543 837 539 848 531 856C 523 865 512 869 500 869C 488 869 477 865 469 856C 461 848 457 837 457 826C 457 802 476 782 500 782C 524 782 543 802 543 826C 543 826 543 826 543 826
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Embed code
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 0 0C 0 0 0 53 0 53C 0 53 947 1000 947 1000C 947 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000C 1000 1000 1000 947 1000 947C 1000 947 53 0 53 0C 53 0 0 0 0 0C 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 690 25C 742 25 785 68 785 120C 785 120 785 880 785 880C 785 932 742 975 690 975C 690 975 310 975 310 975C 258 975 215 932 215 880C 215 880 215 120 215 120C 215 68 258 25 310 25C 310 25 690 25 690 25M 296 120C 296 120 296 676 296 676C 296 676 704 676 704 676C 704 676 704 120 704 120C 704 112 698 106 690 106C 690 106 310 106 310 106C 302 106 296 112 296 120C 296 120 296 120 296 120M 534 285C 556 285 575 304 575 326C 575 326 575 341 575 341C 575 341 651 288 651 288C 654 286 657 285 660 285C 668 285 675 292 675 300C 675 300 675 500 675 500C 675 506 672 511 667 513C 662 516 656 515 651 512C 651 512 575 459 575 459C 575 459 575 474 575 474C 575 496 556 515 534 515C 534 515 366 515 366 515C 344 515 325 496 325 474C 325 474 325 326 325 326C 325 304 344 285 366 285C 366 285 534 285 534 285M 296 880C 296 888 302 894 310 894C 310 894 690 894 690 894C 698 894 704 888 704 880C 704 880 704 758 704 758C 704 758 296 758 296 758C 296 758 296 880 296 880M 543 826C 543 837 539 848 531 856C 523 865 512 869 500 869C 488 869 477 865 469 856C 461 848 457 837 457 826C 457 802 476 782 500 782C 524 782 543 802 543 826C 543 826 543 826 543 826" transform="translate(1000,0) scale(-1,1)rotate(180,500,500)"/></svg>
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Internal keywords: phone, smartphone-video, smartphone-video-wide, smartphone.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • line
  • down
  • wide
  • horizontal
  • mirror
  • video
  • prohibited
  • phone
  • mobile
  • smartphone
  • call
  • smartphone-video
  • smartphone-video-wide
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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