Line, wide, solid, horizontal, mirror, users, group, people, prohibited, team-solid, team, community icon Team Solid Icon (fi-xwpuhl-team-solid)

<i class="fi-xwpuhl-team-solid"></i>
Line, wide, solid, horizontal, mirror, users, group, people, prohibited, team-solid, team, community.

M 500 143C 500 143 500 143 500 143C 543 143 584 160 615 191C 645 221 663 263 663 306C 662 396 590 468 500 468C 410 468 337 396 337 306C 337 263 355 221 385 191C 416 160 457 143 500 143M 209 306C 209 306 209 306 209 306C 233 306 256 315 272 332C 289 349 299 372 299 396C 299 446 258 486 209 486C 159 486 118 446 118 396C 118 372 128 349 145 332C 162 315 185 306 209 306M 787 306C 787 306 787 306 787 306C 811 306 834 315 851 332C 868 349 878 372 878 396C 878 446 837 486 787 486C 738 486 697 446 697 396C 697 372 707 349 724 332C 741 315 764 306 787 306M 149 514C 189 524 189 526 209 526C 229 526 231 524 271 514C 308 514 335 527 350 551C 263 559 205 605 184 682C 184 682 88 682 88 682C 68 682 52 666 52 646C 52 646 52 610 52 610C 52 550 88 514 149 514C 149 514 149 514 149 514M 727 514C 767 524 767 526 787 526C 808 526 810 524 850 514C 910 514 944 550 944 610C 944 610 944 646 944 646C 944 666 928 682 908 682C 908 682 817 682 817 682C 796 603 738 556 647 550C 663 527 691 514 727 514C 727 514 727 514 727 514M 633 575C 689 576 729 592 756 620C 784 649 800 692 800 750C 800 750 800 825 800 825C 800 853 778 875 750 875C 750 875 250 875 250 875C 222 875 200 853 200 825C 200 825 200 750 200 750C 200 693 217 650 246 621C 274 592 316 576 372 575C 411 585 431 591 447 595C 464 599 478 600 500 600C 522 600 536 599 555 595C 572 591 594 585 633 575C 633 575 633 575 633 575
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Embed code
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 0 0C 0 0 0 53 0 53C 0 53 947 1000 947 1000C 947 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000C 1000 1000 1000 947 1000 947C 1000 947 53 0 53 0C 53 0 0 0 0 0C 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 500 143C 500 143 500 143 500 143C 543 143 584 160 615 191C 645 221 663 263 663 306C 662 396 590 468 500 468C 410 468 337 396 337 306C 337 263 355 221 385 191C 416 160 457 143 500 143M 209 306C 209 306 209 306 209 306C 233 306 256 315 272 332C 289 349 299 372 299 396C 299 446 258 486 209 486C 159 486 118 446 118 396C 118 372 128 349 145 332C 162 315 185 306 209 306M 787 306C 787 306 787 306 787 306C 811 306 834 315 851 332C 868 349 878 372 878 396C 878 446 837 486 787 486C 738 486 697 446 697 396C 697 372 707 349 724 332C 741 315 764 306 787 306M 149 514C 189 524 189 526 209 526C 229 526 231 524 271 514C 308 514 335 527 350 551C 263 559 205 605 184 682C 184 682 88 682 88 682C 68 682 52 666 52 646C 52 646 52 610 52 610C 52 550 88 514 149 514C 149 514 149 514 149 514M 727 514C 767 524 767 526 787 526C 808 526 810 524 850 514C 910 514 944 550 944 610C 944 610 944 646 944 646C 944 666 928 682 908 682C 908 682 817 682 817 682C 796 603 738 556 647 550C 663 527 691 514 727 514C 727 514 727 514 727 514M 633 575C 689 576 729 592 756 620C 784 649 800 692 800 750C 800 750 800 825 800 825C 800 853 778 875 750 875C 750 875 250 875 250 875C 222 875 200 853 200 825C 200 825 200 750 200 750C 200 693 217 650 246 621C 274 592 316 576 372 575C 411 585 431 591 447 595C 464 599 478 600 500 600C 522 600 536 599 555 595C 572 591 594 585 633 575C 633 575 633 575 633 575" transform="translate(1000,0) scale(-1,1)"/></svg>
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 0 0C 0 0 0 53 0 53C 0 53 947 1000 947 1000C 947 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000C 1000 1000 1000 947 1000 947C 1000 947 53 0 53 0C 53 0 0 0 0 0C 0 0 0 0 0 0M 500 143C 500 143 500 143 500 143C 543 143 584 160 615 191C 645 221 663 263 663 306C 662 396 590 468 500 468C 410 468 337 396 337 306C 337 263 355 221 385 191C 416 160 457 143 500 143M 209 306C 209 306 209 306 209 306C 233 306 256 315 272 332C 289 349 299 372 299 396C 299 446 258 486 209 486C 159 486 118 446 118 396C 118 372 128 349 145 332C 162 315 185 306 209 306M 787 306C 787 306 787 306 787 306C 811 306 834 315 851 332C 868 349 878 372 878 396C 878 446 837 486 787 486C 738 486 697 446 697 396C 697 372 707 349 724 332C 741 315 764 306 787 306M 149 514C 189 524 189 526 209 526C 229 526 231 524 271 514C 308 514 335 527 350 551C 263 559 205 605 184 682C 184 682 88 682 88 682C 68 682 52 666 52 646C 52 646 52 610 52 610C 52 550 88 514 149 514C 149 514 149 514 149 514M 727 514C 767 524 767 526 787 526C 808 526 810 524 850 514C 910 514 944 550 944 610C 944 610 944 646 944 646C 944 666 928 682 908 682C 908 682 817 682 817 682C 796 603 738 556 647 550C 663 527 691 514 727 514C 727 514 727 514 727 514M 633 575C 689 576 729 592 756 620C 784 649 800 692 800 750C 800 750 800 825 800 825C 800 853 778 875 750 875C 750 875 250 875 250 875C 222 875 200 853 200 825C 200 825 200 750 200 750C 200 693 217 650 246 621C 274 592 316 576 372 575C 411 585 431 591 447 595C 464 599 478 600 500 600C 522 600 536 599 555 595C 572 591 594 585 633 575C 633 575 633 575 633 575" transform="translate(1000,0) scale(-1,1)"/></svg>
Internal keywords: team-solid, people, team, groups.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • line
  • wide
  • solid
  • horizontal
  • mirror
  • users
  • group
  • people
  • prohibited
  • team-solid
  • team
  • community
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
# ID Query URL Count