Line, wide, man, woman, prohibited, male, female, couple, toilets, bathroom, lady, gentlemam, parent, parents, couple-solid icon Couple Solid Icon (fi-xwpuxl-couple-solid)

<i class="fi-xwpuxl-couple-solid"></i>
Line, wide, man, woman, prohibited, male, female, couple, toilets, bathroom, lady, gentlemam, parent, parents, couple-solid.

M 600 275C 624 276 634 300 675 300C 714 300 721 278 750 275C 767 275 789 278 807 293C 824 308 834 331 837 357C 837 357 887 682 887 682C 890 701 878 719 859 724C 859 724 787 742 787 742C 787 742 787 912 787 912C 787 933 771 950 750 950C 750 950 675 950 675 950C 675 950 600 950 600 950C 579 950 563 933 562 912C 562 912 562 742 562 742C 562 742 491 724 491 724C 472 719 460 701 463 682C 463 682 513 357 513 357C 513 356 513 355 513 354C 518 332 527 313 542 297C 558 282 580 275 600 275C 600 275 600 275 600 275M 200 275C 224 276 245 300 275 300C 294 300 321 278 350 275C 375 275 396 286 411 302C 426 317 437 337 437 362C 437 362 437 613 437 613C 437 627 429 640 417 646C 417 646 387 661 387 661C 387 661 387 912 387 912C 387 933 371 950 350 950C 350 950 275 950 275 950C 275 950 200 950 200 950C 179 950 162 933 162 912C 162 912 162 661 162 661C 162 661 133 646 133 646C 121 640 112 627 112 613C 112 613 112 362 112 362C 112 337 124 317 139 302C 154 286 175 275 200 275C 200 275 200 275 200 275M 675 50C 737 50 787 101 787 163C 787 224 737 275 675 275C 613 275 562 224 562 163C 562 101 613 50 675 50C 675 50 675 50 675 50M 275 50C 337 50 387 101 387 163C 387 224 337 275 275 275C 213 275 162 224 162 163C 162 101 213 50 275 50C 275 50 275 50 275 50
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 0 0C 0 0 0 53 0 53C 0 53 947 1000 947 1000C 947 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000C 1000 1000 1000 947 1000 947C 1000 947 53 0 53 0C 53 0 0 0 0 0C 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 600 275C 624 276 634 300 675 300C 714 300 721 278 750 275C 767 275 789 278 807 293C 824 308 834 331 837 357C 837 357 887 682 887 682C 890 701 878 719 859 724C 859 724 787 742 787 742C 787 742 787 912 787 912C 787 933 771 950 750 950C 750 950 675 950 675 950C 675 950 600 950 600 950C 579 950 563 933 562 912C 562 912 562 742 562 742C 562 742 491 724 491 724C 472 719 460 701 463 682C 463 682 513 357 513 357C 513 356 513 355 513 354C 518 332 527 313 542 297C 558 282 580 275 600 275C 600 275 600 275 600 275M 200 275C 224 276 245 300 275 300C 294 300 321 278 350 275C 375 275 396 286 411 302C 426 317 437 337 437 362C 437 362 437 613 437 613C 437 627 429 640 417 646C 417 646 387 661 387 661C 387 661 387 912 387 912C 387 933 371 950 350 950C 350 950 275 950 275 950C 275 950 200 950 200 950C 179 950 162 933 162 912C 162 912 162 661 162 661C 162 661 133 646 133 646C 121 640 112 627 112 613C 112 613 112 362 112 362C 112 337 124 317 139 302C 154 286 175 275 200 275C 200 275 200 275 200 275M 675 50C 737 50 787 101 787 163C 787 224 737 275 675 275C 613 275 562 224 562 163C 562 101 613 50 675 50C 675 50 675 50 675 50M 275 50C 337 50 387 101 387 163C 387 224 337 275 275 275C 213 275 162 224 162 163C 162 101 213 50 275 50C 275 50 275 50 275 50"/></svg>
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Internal keywords: couple-solid, couple, female, male.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • line
  • wide
  • man
  • woman
  • prohibited
  • male
  • female
  • couple
  • toilets
  • bathroom
  • lady
  • gentlemam
  • parent
  • parents
  • couple-solid
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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