Line, wide, prohibited, riding, bike, cycle, motorbike, motorcycle, biker, motorbike-solid icon Motorbike Solid Icon (fi-xwpuxl-motorbike-solid)

<i class="fi-xwpuxl-motorbike-solid"></i>
Line, wide, prohibited, riding, bike, cycle, motorbike, motorcycle, biker, motorbike-solid.

M 222 678C 176 678 140 714 140 760C 140 806 176 842 222 842C 268 842 304 806 304 760C 304 714 268 678 222 678C 222 678 222 678 222 678M 772 672C 723 672 684 711 684 760C 684 809 723 848 772 848C 821 848 860 809 860 760C 860 711 821 672 772 672C 772 672 772 672 772 672M 222 578C 322 578 404 660 404 760C 404 860 322 942 222 942C 122 942 40 860 40 760C 40 660 122 578 222 578C 222 578 222 578 222 578M 772 572C 875 572 960 657 960 760C 960 863 875 948 772 948C 669 948 584 863 584 760C 584 657 669 572 772 572C 772 572 772 572 772 572M 522 234C 522 234 522 234 522 234C 522 234 522 234 523 235C 524 235 525 235 525 235C 546 236 564 250 570 269C 570 269 628 385 628 385C 628 385 747 385 747 385C 775 385 798 407 798 435C 798 463 775 486 747 485C 747 485 597 485 597 485C 578 485 561 474 552 457C 552 457 515 383 515 383C 515 383 425 511 425 511C 425 511 565 563 565 563C 590 573 604 602 594 628C 594 628 519 828 519 828C 509 854 480 867 454 858C 428 848 415 819 425 793C 425 793 483 639 483 639C 483 639 337 585 337 585C 320 581 306 569 300 553C 299 552 299 552 299 551C 299 551 299 550 298 549C 293 532 298 513 311 500C 311 500 477 262 477 262C 485 245 503 234 522 234C 522 234 522 234 522 234M 576 52C 625 52 674 77 670 127C 668 132 664 134 661 134C 661 134 587 123 587 123C 581 122 574 123 568 128C 563 132 559 138 558 145C 558 145 558 164 558 164C 556 175 562 185 572 190C 572 190 649 225 649 225C 649 225 647 234 647 234C 645 241 636 263 629 266C 622 269 614 269 607 266C 607 266 481 202 481 202C 470 196 465 183 469 171C 469 171 493 109 493 109C 509 69 542 52 576 52C 576 52 576 52 576 52
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 0 0C 0 0 0 53 0 53C 0 53 947 1000 947 1000C 947 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000C 1000 1000 1000 947 1000 947C 1000 947 53 0 53 0C 53 0 0 0 0 0C 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 222 678C 176 678 140 714 140 760C 140 806 176 842 222 842C 268 842 304 806 304 760C 304 714 268 678 222 678C 222 678 222 678 222 678M 772 672C 723 672 684 711 684 760C 684 809 723 848 772 848C 821 848 860 809 860 760C 860 711 821 672 772 672C 772 672 772 672 772 672M 222 578C 322 578 404 660 404 760C 404 860 322 942 222 942C 122 942 40 860 40 760C 40 660 122 578 222 578C 222 578 222 578 222 578M 772 572C 875 572 960 657 960 760C 960 863 875 948 772 948C 669 948 584 863 584 760C 584 657 669 572 772 572C 772 572 772 572 772 572M 522 234C 522 234 522 234 522 234C 522 234 522 234 523 235C 524 235 525 235 525 235C 546 236 564 250 570 269C 570 269 628 385 628 385C 628 385 747 385 747 385C 775 385 798 407 798 435C 798 463 775 486 747 485C 747 485 597 485 597 485C 578 485 561 474 552 457C 552 457 515 383 515 383C 515 383 425 511 425 511C 425 511 565 563 565 563C 590 573 604 602 594 628C 594 628 519 828 519 828C 509 854 480 867 454 858C 428 848 415 819 425 793C 425 793 483 639 483 639C 483 639 337 585 337 585C 320 581 306 569 300 553C 299 552 299 552 299 551C 299 551 299 550 298 549C 293 532 298 513 311 500C 311 500 477 262 477 262C 485 245 503 234 522 234C 522 234 522 234 522 234M 576 52C 625 52 674 77 670 127C 668 132 664 134 661 134C 661 134 587 123 587 123C 581 122 574 123 568 128C 563 132 559 138 558 145C 558 145 558 164 558 164C 556 175 562 185 572 190C 572 190 649 225 649 225C 649 225 647 234 647 234C 645 241 636 263 629 266C 622 269 614 269 607 266C 607 266 481 202 481 202C 470 196 465 183 469 171C 469 171 493 109 493 109C 509 69 542 52 576 52C 576 52 576 52 576 52"/></svg>
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Internal keywords: motorbike, motorbike-solid.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • line
  • wide
  • prohibited
  • riding
  • bike
  • cycle
  • motorbike
  • motorcycle
  • biker
  • motorbike-solid
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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