Line, wide, solid, square, prohibited, root, formula, equation, math, mathematics, square-root, square-root-wide, mathematical, maths icon Square Root Wide Icon (fi-xwpuxl-square-root-wide)

<i class="fi-xwpuxl-square-root-wide"></i>
Line, wide, solid, square, prohibited, root, formula, equation, math, mathematics, square-root, square-root-wide, mathematical, maths.

M 749 412C 765 412 779 421 785 435C 791 449 788 466 777 477C 777 477 679 574 679 574C 679 574 777 674 777 674C 786 683 790 697 787 710C 783 723 773 734 759 737C 746 740 732 736 723 726C 723 726 626 627 626 627C 626 627 527 727 527 727C 517 736 503 740 490 737C 477 733 467 723 463 710C 460 697 464 683 473 673C 473 673 574 573 574 573C 574 573 484 480 484 480C 473 469 470 453 476 439C 482 425 496 416 511 416C 521 416 531 420 538 428C 538 428 627 520 627 520C 627 520 723 423 723 423C 730 416 740 412 749 412C 749 412 749 412 749 412M 450 213C 450 213 850 213 850 213C 864 212 876 219 883 231C 890 243 890 257 883 269C 876 281 864 288 850 287C 850 287 478 287 478 287C 478 287 336 745 336 745C 331 761 316 771 300 771C 283 771 269 761 264 745C 264 745 202 550 202 550C 202 550 126 549 126 549C 113 549 100 542 94 530C 87 518 87 504 94 492C 101 480 114 473 127 474C 127 474 230 475 230 475C 246 475 261 486 266 501C 266 501 299 608 299 608C 299 608 414 239 414 239C 419 223 434 213 450 213C 450 213 450 213 450 213
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 0 0C 0 0 0 53 0 53C 0 53 947 1000 947 1000C 947 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000C 1000 1000 1000 947 1000 947C 1000 947 53 0 53 0C 53 0 0 0 0 0C 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 749 412C 765 412 779 421 785 435C 791 449 788 466 777 477C 777 477 679 574 679 574C 679 574 777 674 777 674C 786 683 790 697 787 710C 783 723 773 734 759 737C 746 740 732 736 723 726C 723 726 626 627 626 627C 626 627 527 727 527 727C 517 736 503 740 490 737C 477 733 467 723 463 710C 460 697 464 683 473 673C 473 673 574 573 574 573C 574 573 484 480 484 480C 473 469 470 453 476 439C 482 425 496 416 511 416C 521 416 531 420 538 428C 538 428 627 520 627 520C 627 520 723 423 723 423C 730 416 740 412 749 412C 749 412 749 412 749 412M 450 213C 450 213 850 213 850 213C 864 212 876 219 883 231C 890 243 890 257 883 269C 876 281 864 288 850 287C 850 287 478 287 478 287C 478 287 336 745 336 745C 331 761 316 771 300 771C 283 771 269 761 264 745C 264 745 202 550 202 550C 202 550 126 549 126 549C 113 549 100 542 94 530C 87 518 87 504 94 492C 101 480 114 473 127 474C 127 474 230 475 230 475C 246 475 261 486 266 501C 266 501 299 608 299 608C 299 608 414 239 414 239C 419 223 434 213 450 213C 450 213 450 213 450 213"/></svg>
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 0 0C 0 0 0 53 0 53C 0 53 947 1000 947 1000C 947 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000C 1000 1000 1000 947 1000 947C 1000 947 53 0 53 0C 53 0 0 0 0 0C 0 0 0 0 0 0M 749 412C 765 412 779 421 785 435C 791 449 788 466 777 477C 777 477 679 574 679 574C 679 574 777 674 777 674C 786 683 790 697 787 710C 783 723 773 734 759 737C 746 740 732 736 723 726C 723 726 626 627 626 627C 626 627 527 727 527 727C 517 736 503 740 490 737C 477 733 467 723 463 710C 460 697 464 683 473 673C 473 673 574 573 574 573C 574 573 484 480 484 480C 473 469 470 453 476 439C 482 425 496 416 511 416C 521 416 531 420 538 428C 538 428 627 520 627 520C 627 520 723 423 723 423C 730 416 740 412 749 412C 749 412 749 412 749 412M 450 213C 450 213 850 213 850 213C 864 212 876 219 883 231C 890 243 890 257 883 269C 876 281 864 288 850 287C 850 287 478 287 478 287C 478 287 336 745 336 745C 331 761 316 771 300 771C 283 771 269 761 264 745C 264 745 202 550 202 550C 202 550 126 549 126 549C 113 549 100 542 94 530C 87 518 87 504 94 492C 101 480 114 473 127 474C 127 474 230 475 230 475C 246 475 261 486 266 501C 266 501 299 608 299 608C 299 608 414 239 414 239C 419 223 434 213 450 213C 450 213 450 213 450 213"/></svg>
Internal keywords: square-root-wide, square-root, square.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • line
  • wide
  • solid
  • square
  • prohibited
  • root
  • formula
  • equation
  • math
  • mathematics
  • square-root
  • square-root-wide
  • mathematical
  • maths
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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