Thin, line, circle, prohibited, medical, medic, syringe, drug, injection, steroid, clinical, syringe-solid icon Syringe Solid Icon (fi-ctpuxl-syringe-solid)

<i class="fi-ctpuxl-syringe-solid"></i>
Thin, line, circle, prohibited, medical, medic, syringe, drug, injection, steroid, clinical, syringe-solid.

M 625 213C 635 213 645 217 652 223C 652 223 777 348 777 348C 791 363 791 387 777 402C 777 402 477 702 477 702C 460 718 435 736 402 740C 379 744 353 739 329 724C 329 724 152 902 152 902C 137 917 113 917 98 902C 83 887 83 863 98 848C 98 848 276 671 276 671C 261 647 256 621 260 598C 264 565 282 540 298 523C 298 523 318 504 318 504C 318 504 382 568 382 568C 389 574 398 577 407 574C 415 572 422 565 424 557C 427 548 424 539 418 532C 418 532 354 468 354 468C 354 468 418 404 418 404C 418 404 482 468 482 468C 489 474 498 477 507 474C 515 472 522 465 524 457C 527 448 524 439 518 432C 518 432 454 368 454 368C 454 368 518 304 518 304C 518 304 582 368 582 368C 589 374 598 377 607 374C 615 372 622 365 624 357C 627 348 624 339 618 332C 618 332 554 268 554 268C 554 268 598 223 598 223C 605 217 615 213 624 213C 625 213 625 213 625 213C 625 213 625 213 625 213M 700 62C 710 62 719 66 727 73C 727 73 927 273 927 273C 936 283 940 297 937 310C 933 323 923 333 910 337C 897 340 883 336 873 327C 873 327 825 278 825 278C 825 278 794 309 794 309C 794 309 691 206 691 206C 691 206 722 175 722 175C 722 175 673 127 673 127C 663 116 659 100 665 86C 671 71 684 62 700 62C 700 62 700 62 700 62
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 500 0C 224 0 0 224 0 500C 0 776 224 1000 500 1000C 776 1000 1000 776 1000 500C 1000 224 776 0 500 0C 500 0 500 0 500 0M 500 25C 762 25 975 238 975 500C 975 627 925 742 845 827C 845 827 173 155 173 155C 258 75 373 25 500 25C 500 25 500 25 500 25M 155 173C 155 173 827 845 827 845C 742 925 627 975 500 975C 238 975 25 762 25 500C 25 373 75 258 155 173C 155 173 155 173 155 173 M 625 213C 635 213 645 217 652 223C 652 223 777 348 777 348C 791 363 791 387 777 402C 777 402 477 702 477 702C 460 718 435 736 402 740C 379 744 353 739 329 724C 329 724 152 902 152 902C 137 917 113 917 98 902C 83 887 83 863 98 848C 98 848 276 671 276 671C 261 647 256 621 260 598C 264 565 282 540 298 523C 298 523 318 504 318 504C 318 504 382 568 382 568C 389 574 398 577 407 574C 415 572 422 565 424 557C 427 548 424 539 418 532C 418 532 354 468 354 468C 354 468 418 404 418 404C 418 404 482 468 482 468C 489 474 498 477 507 474C 515 472 522 465 524 457C 527 448 524 439 518 432C 518 432 454 368 454 368C 454 368 518 304 518 304C 518 304 582 368 582 368C 589 374 598 377 607 374C 615 372 622 365 624 357C 627 348 624 339 618 332C 618 332 554 268 554 268C 554 268 598 223 598 223C 605 217 615 213 624 213C 625 213 625 213 625 213C 625 213 625 213 625 213M 700 62C 710 62 719 66 727 73C 727 73 927 273 927 273C 936 283 940 297 937 310C 933 323 923 333 910 337C 897 340 883 336 873 327C 873 327 825 278 825 278C 825 278 794 309 794 309C 794 309 691 206 691 206C 691 206 722 175 722 175C 722 175 673 127 673 127C 663 116 659 100 665 86C 671 71 684 62 700 62C 700 62 700 62 700 62"/></svg>
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Internal keywords: syringe-solid, syringe, circle.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • thin
  • line
  • circle
  • prohibited
  • medical
  • medic
  • syringe
  • drug
  • injection
  • steroid
  • clinical
  • syringe-solid
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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