Thin, line, up, solid, octagon, iphone, phone, mobile, android, gsm, smartphone, cell, bell, ring, ringing, ringtone, smartphone-ringing-thin icon Smartphone Ringing Thin Icon (fi-otluxl-smartphone-ringing-thin)

<i class="fi-otluxl-smartphone-ringing-thin"></i>
Thin, line, up, solid, octagon, iphone, phone, mobile, android, gsm, smartphone, cell, bell, ring, ringing, ringtone, smartphone-ringing-thin.

M 675 88C 709 88 738 116 738 150 738 383 738 617 738 850 738 884 709 912 675 912 558 912 442 912 325 912 291 912 263 884 263 850 263 617 263 383 263 150 263 116 325 88 325 88 442 88 558 88 675 88ZM 287 150C 287 346 287 542 287 738 429 738 571 738 713 738 713 542 713 346 713 150 713 129 696 113 675 113 558 113 442 113 325 113 304 113 287 129 287 150ZM 119 340C 125 343 127 351 123 357 100 391 88 446 88 500 88 554 100 609 123 643 127 649 125 657 119 660 114 664 106 663 102 657 75 616 63 558 63 500 63 442 75 384 102 343 104 340 107 338 110 338 111 338 112 337 112 337 115 337 117 338 119 340ZM 890 338C 893 338 896 340 898 343 925 384 937 442 937 500 937 558 925 616 898 657 894 663 886 664 881 660 875 657 873 649 877 643 900 609 912 554 912 500 912 446 900 391 877 357 873 351 875 343 881 340 883 338 885 337 888 337 888 337 889 338 890 338ZM 174 402C 181 405 183 412 180 419 157 464 157 537 180 579 183 585 181 592 175 596 169 599 161 597 158 590 130 539 130 462 158 407 159 404 162 402 165 401 166 401 167 400 168 400 170 400 172 401 174 402ZM 835 401C 838 402 841 404 842 407 870 462 870 539 842 590 839 597 831 599 825 596 819 592 817 585 820 579 843 537 843 464 820 419 817 412 819 405 826 402 828 401 830 400 832 400 833 400 834 401 835 401ZM 287 850C 287 871 304 887 325 887 442 887 558 887 675 887 696 887 713 871 713 850 713 821 713 792 713 763 571 763 429 763 287 763 287 792 287 821 287 850ZM 535 825C 535 834 531 843 525 850 518 856 509 860 500 860 491 860 482 856 475 850 469 843 465 834 465 825 465 806 500 790 500 790 519 790 535 806 535 825Z
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 686 0C 686 0 313 0 313 0C 300 0 287 6 278 15C 278 15 14 279 14 279C 5 288 0 301 0 314C 0 314 0 687 0 687C 0 700 6 713 15 722C 15 722 279 986 279 986C 288 995 301 1000 314 1000C 314 1000 687 1000 687 1000C 700 1000 713 994 722 985C 722 985 986 721 986 721C 995 712 1000 699 1000 686C 1000 686 1000 313 1000 313C 1000 300 994 287 985 278C 985 278 721 14 721 14C 712 5 699 0 686 0C 686 0 686 0 686 0M 686 25C 692 25 699 28 703 32C 703 32 703 32 703 32C 703 32 967 295 967 295C 967 295 967 295 967 295C 972 300 975 306 975 313C 975 313 975 686 975 686C 975 692 972 699 968 703C 968 703 968 703 968 703C 968 703 705 967 705 967C 700 972 694 975 687 975C 687 975 314 975 314 975C 308 975 301 972 297 968C 297 968 33 705 33 705C 28 700 25 694 25 687C 25 687 25 314 25 314C 25 308 28 301 32 297C 32 297 295 33 295 33C 300 28 306 25 313 25C 313 25 686 25 686 25C 686 25 686 25 686 25 M 675 88C 709 88 738 116 738 150 738 383 738 617 738 850 738 884 709 912 675 912 558 912 442 912 325 912 291 912 263 884 263 850 263 617 263 383 263 150 263 116 325 88 325 88 442 88 558 88 675 88ZM 287 150C 287 346 287 542 287 738 429 738 571 738 713 738 713 542 713 346 713 150 713 129 696 113 675 113 558 113 442 113 325 113 304 113 287 129 287 150ZM 119 340C 125 343 127 351 123 357 100 391 88 446 88 500 88 554 100 609 123 643 127 649 125 657 119 660 114 664 106 663 102 657 75 616 63 558 63 500 63 442 75 384 102 343 104 340 107 338 110 338 111 338 112 337 112 337 115 337 117 338 119 340ZM 890 338C 893 338 896 340 898 343 925 384 937 442 937 500 937 558 925 616 898 657 894 663 886 664 881 660 875 657 873 649 877 643 900 609 912 554 912 500 912 446 900 391 877 357 873 351 875 343 881 340 883 338 885 337 888 337 888 337 889 338 890 338ZM 174 402C 181 405 183 412 180 419 157 464 157 537 180 579 183 585 181 592 175 596 169 599 161 597 158 590 130 539 130 462 158 407 159 404 162 402 165 401 166 401 167 400 168 400 170 400 172 401 174 402ZM 835 401C 838 402 841 404 842 407 870 462 870 539 842 590 839 597 831 599 825 596 819 592 817 585 820 579 843 537 843 464 820 419 817 412 819 405 826 402 828 401 830 400 832 400 833 400 834 401 835 401ZM 287 850C 287 871 304 887 325 887 442 887 558 887 675 887 696 887 713 871 713 850 713 821 713 792 713 763 571 763 429 763 287 763 287 792 287 821 287 850ZM 535 825C 535 834 531 843 525 850 518 856 509 860 500 860 491 860 482 856 475 850 469 843 465 834 465 825 465 806 500 790 500 790 519 790 535 806 535 825Z"/></svg>
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Internal keywords: smartphone-ringing-thin.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • thin
  • line
  • up
  • solid
  • octagon
  • iphone
  • phone
  • mobile
  • android
  • gsm
  • smartphone
  • cell
  • bell
  • ring
  • ringing
  • ringtone
  • smartphone-ringing-thin
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
# ID Query URL Count