Down, normal, solid, square, tool, construction, noise, jackhammer, demolition, concrete, pneumatic, mining, drill, mining-dril, jackhammer-solid icon Jackhammer Solid Icon (fi-snsdxl-jackhammer-solid)

<i class="fi-snsdxl-jackhammer-solid"></i>
Down, normal, solid, square, tool, construction, noise, jackhammer, demolition, concrete, pneumatic, mining, drill, mining-dril, jackhammer-solid.

M 447 625C 482 625 518 625 553 625 553 678 553 730 553 783 553 785 552 786 552 788 538 822 525 857 512 892 508 903 492 903 488 892 475 857 462 822 448 788 448 786 447 785 447 783 447 730 447 678 447 625ZM 412 475C 471 475 529 475 588 475 588 504 588 533 588 563 588 582 572 598 553 600 553 600 553 600 553 600 518 600 482 600 447 600 447 600 447 600 447 600 428 598 412 582 412 563 412 533 412 504 412 475ZM 688 208C 725 208 762 208 800 208 817 208 830 221 830 238 830 254 817 268 800 268 762 268 725 268 688 268 688 248 688 228 688 208ZM 200 208C 238 208 275 208 312 208 312 228 312 248 312 268 275 268 238 268 200 268 183 268 170 254 170 238 170 221 183 208 200 208ZM 375 150C 379 150 383 150 387 150 387 188 387 225 387 263 387 297 416 325 450 325 483 325 517 325 550 325 584 325 613 297 613 263 613 225 613 188 613 150 617 150 621 150 625 150 646 150 663 167 663 188 663 194 663 201 663 208 663 228 663 248 663 268 663 277 663 286 663 295 663 298 663 301 663 304 663 317 657 328 656 332 644 362 632 392 620 422 618 426 615 431 610 437 605 442 598 449 588 450 588 450 588 450 588 450 529 450 471 450 412 450 412 450 412 450 412 450 404 449 397 445 392 441 387 436 384 431 382 427 370 395 357 364 344 332 343 328 337 317 337 304 337 298 337 293 337 288 337 281 337 274 337 268 337 248 337 228 337 208 337 201 337 194 337 188 337 177 341 167 348 160 355 154 365 150 375 150ZM 450 100C 483 100 517 100 550 100 571 100 588 117 588 138 588 179 588 221 588 263 588 283 571 300 550 300 517 300 483 300 450 300 429 300 412 283 412 263 412 221 412 179 412 138 412 117 429 100 450 100Z
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 75 0C 75 0 75 0 75 0C 33 0 0 33 0 75C 0 75 0 925 0 925C 0 967 33 1000 75 1000C 75 1000 925 1000 925 1000C 967 1000 1000 967 1000 925C 1000 925 1000 75 1000 75C 1000 33 967 0 925 0C 925 0 75 0 75 0 M 447 625C 482 625 518 625 553 625 553 678 553 730 553 783 553 785 552 786 552 788 538 822 525 857 512 892 508 903 492 903 488 892 475 857 462 822 448 788 448 786 447 785 447 783 447 730 447 678 447 625ZM 412 475C 471 475 529 475 588 475 588 504 588 533 588 563 588 582 572 598 553 600 553 600 553 600 553 600 518 600 482 600 447 600 447 600 447 600 447 600 428 598 412 582 412 563 412 533 412 504 412 475ZM 688 208C 725 208 762 208 800 208 817 208 830 221 830 238 830 254 817 268 800 268 762 268 725 268 688 268 688 248 688 228 688 208ZM 200 208C 238 208 275 208 312 208 312 228 312 248 312 268 275 268 238 268 200 268 183 268 170 254 170 238 170 221 183 208 200 208ZM 375 150C 379 150 383 150 387 150 387 188 387 225 387 263 387 297 416 325 450 325 483 325 517 325 550 325 584 325 613 297 613 263 613 225 613 188 613 150 617 150 621 150 625 150 646 150 663 167 663 188 663 194 663 201 663 208 663 228 663 248 663 268 663 277 663 286 663 295 663 298 663 301 663 304 663 317 657 328 656 332 644 362 632 392 620 422 618 426 615 431 610 437 605 442 598 449 588 450 588 450 588 450 588 450 529 450 471 450 412 450 412 450 412 450 412 450 404 449 397 445 392 441 387 436 384 431 382 427 370 395 357 364 344 332 343 328 337 317 337 304 337 298 337 293 337 288 337 281 337 274 337 268 337 248 337 228 337 208 337 201 337 194 337 188 337 177 341 167 348 160 355 154 365 150 375 150ZM 450 100C 483 100 517 100 550 100 571 100 588 117 588 138 588 179 588 221 588 263 588 283 571 300 550 300 517 300 483 300 450 300 429 300 412 283 412 263 412 221 412 179 412 138 412 117 429 100 450 100Z" transform="rotate(180,500,500)"/></svg>
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Internal keywords: jackhammer-solid, jackhammer.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • down
  • normal
  • solid
  • square
  • tool
  • construction
  • noise
  • jackhammer
  • demolition
  • concrete
  • pneumatic
  • mining
  • drill
  • mining-dril
  • jackhammer-solid
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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