Thin, line, square, horizontal, mirror, bomb, explosive, detonator, blast, fuse, spark, c4, dynamite, boom, bomb-thin icon Bomb Thin Icon (fi-stluhl-bomb-thin)

<i class="fi-stluhl-bomb-thin"></i>
Thin, line, square, horizontal, mirror, bomb, explosive, detonator, blast, fuse, spark, c4, dynamite, boom, bomb-thin.

M 376 352C 383 351 389 356 390 363 391 370 386 376 380 377 297 388 231 451 216 533 215 540 209 544 202 543 195 542 191 535 192 528 209 436 283 365 376 352ZM 587 289C 585 289 583 290 580 291 575 294 568 299 560 306 553 312 545 319 535 324 525 329 512 331 500 326 469 313 452 314 414 314 269 314 151 431 151 577 151 722 269 840 414 840 560 840 677 722 677 577 677 540 674 520 661 488 657 479 660 470 663 462 667 455 672 447 676 440 686 425 696 408 697 401 696 402 697 400 695 396 693 392 690 387 685 381 677 370 665 356 652 343 639 330 626 318 615 308 603 298 593 291 592 291 590 289 589 289 587 289ZM 773 225C 776 224 779 225 782 227 787 232 788 240 784 245 763 270 738 282 716 292 697 301 680 309 667 323 668 324 669 325 670 326 683 339 696 353 705 366 710 373 714 379 717 385 720 391 722 397 721 404 719 422 707 438 698 453 693 461 689 468 686 473 684 478 685 480 684 479 699 513 702 538 702 577 702 736 573 865 414 865 255 865 126 736 126 577 126 418 255 289 414 289 452 289 475 288 510 303 515 305 518 304 524 301 529 298 537 293 544 286 552 280 560 273 569 269 574 266 580 265 586 265 592 264 598 265 604 268 611 272 619 279 631 289 636 294 643 300 649 305 666 288 686 278 706 269 727 259 748 249 764 229 766 226 769 225 773 225ZM 810 135C 817 135 823 140 823 147 823 160 823 173 823 186 836 186 849 186 862 186 868 186 874 191 874 198 874 205 868 211 862 211 849 211 836 211 823 211 823 225 823 240 823 255 823 262 817 267 810 267 803 267 798 262 798 255 798 240 798 225 798 211 784 211 770 211 757 211 750 211 744 205 744 198 744 191 750 186 757 186 770 186 784 186 798 186 798 173 798 160 798 147 798 140 803 135 810 135Z
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 50 0C 22 0 0 22 0 50C 0 50 0 950 0 950C 0 978 22 1000 50 1000C 50 1000 950 1000 950 1000C 978 1000 1000 978 1000 950C 1000 950 1000 50 1000 50C 1000 22 978 0 950 0C 950 0 50 0 50 0C 50 0 50 0 50 0M 50 25C 50 25 950 25 950 25C 964 25 975 36 975 50C 975 50 975 950 975 950C 975 964 964 975 950 975C 950 975 50 975 50 975C 36 975 25 964 25 950C 25 950 25 50 25 50C 25 36 36 25 50 25C 50 25 50 25 50 25 M 376 352C 383 351 389 356 390 363 391 370 386 376 380 377 297 388 231 451 216 533 215 540 209 544 202 543 195 542 191 535 192 528 209 436 283 365 376 352ZM 587 289C 585 289 583 290 580 291 575 294 568 299 560 306 553 312 545 319 535 324 525 329 512 331 500 326 469 313 452 314 414 314 269 314 151 431 151 577 151 722 269 840 414 840 560 840 677 722 677 577 677 540 674 520 661 488 657 479 660 470 663 462 667 455 672 447 676 440 686 425 696 408 697 401 696 402 697 400 695 396 693 392 690 387 685 381 677 370 665 356 652 343 639 330 626 318 615 308 603 298 593 291 592 291 590 289 589 289 587 289ZM 773 225C 776 224 779 225 782 227 787 232 788 240 784 245 763 270 738 282 716 292 697 301 680 309 667 323 668 324 669 325 670 326 683 339 696 353 705 366 710 373 714 379 717 385 720 391 722 397 721 404 719 422 707 438 698 453 693 461 689 468 686 473 684 478 685 480 684 479 699 513 702 538 702 577 702 736 573 865 414 865 255 865 126 736 126 577 126 418 255 289 414 289 452 289 475 288 510 303 515 305 518 304 524 301 529 298 537 293 544 286 552 280 560 273 569 269 574 266 580 265 586 265 592 264 598 265 604 268 611 272 619 279 631 289 636 294 643 300 649 305 666 288 686 278 706 269 727 259 748 249 764 229 766 226 769 225 773 225ZM 810 135C 817 135 823 140 823 147 823 160 823 173 823 186 836 186 849 186 862 186 868 186 874 191 874 198 874 205 868 211 862 211 849 211 836 211 823 211 823 225 823 240 823 255 823 262 817 267 810 267 803 267 798 262 798 255 798 240 798 225 798 211 784 211 770 211 757 211 750 211 744 205 744 198 744 191 750 186 757 186 770 186 784 186 798 186 798 173 798 160 798 147 798 140 803 135 810 135Z" transform="translate(1000,0) scale(-1,1)"/></svg>
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Internal keywords: bomb, bomb-thin.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • thin
  • line
  • square
  • horizontal
  • mirror
  • bomb
  • explosive
  • detonator
  • blast
  • fuse
  • spark
  • c4
  • dynamite
  • boom
  • bomb-thin
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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