Down, normal, solid, square, star, space, asteroid, meteoroid, impact, nasa, esa, jaxa, shooting, shooting-star, c-type, s-type, m-type, neo, asteroid-solid icon Asteroid Solid Icon (fi-snsdxl-asteroid-solid)

<i class="fi-snsdxl-asteroid-solid"></i>
Down, normal, solid, square, star, space, asteroid, meteoroid, impact, nasa, esa, jaxa, shooting, shooting-star, c-type, s-type, m-type, neo, asteroid-solid.

M 469 705C 469 718 458 729 445 729 432 729 421 718 421 705 421 692 432 681 445 681 458 681 469 692 469 705ZM 318 690C 318 711 301 728 280 728 259 728 242 711 242 690 242 669 259 652 280 652 301 652 318 669 318 690ZM 302 597C 302 610 291 621 278 621 265 621 254 610 254 597 254 583 265 573 278 573 291 573 302 583 302 597ZM 452 581C 452 613 426 639 394 639 362 639 336 613 336 581 336 549 362 523 394 523 426 523 452 549 452 581ZM 309 479C 251 494 204 558 192 640 190 660 192 683 198 701 205 722 218 736 234 751 263 779 303 796 345 796 388 796 436 780 474 750 488 740 521 711 527 699 535 683 532 630 533 611 535 552 488 530 461 498 436 470 412 461 387 461 363 462 337 471 309 479ZM 637 157C 626 194 615 230 604 266 687 228 770 190 853 152 864 147 876 150 883 159 890 169 890 181 883 191 810 281 738 371 666 461 706 461 747 461 788 461 810 461 821 486 807 503 732 590 657 678 582 766 500 862 397 890 297 868 196 846 129 771 115 681 99 578 140 490 225 413 225 413 226 412 226 412 350 318 474 224 598 130 602 127 606 126 610 125 612 125 614 125 616 125 631 127 642 142 637 157Z
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 75 0C 75 0 75 0 75 0C 33 0 0 33 0 75C 0 75 0 925 0 925C 0 967 33 1000 75 1000C 75 1000 925 1000 925 1000C 967 1000 1000 967 1000 925C 1000 925 1000 75 1000 75C 1000 33 967 0 925 0C 925 0 75 0 75 0 M 469 705C 469 718 458 729 445 729 432 729 421 718 421 705 421 692 432 681 445 681 458 681 469 692 469 705ZM 318 690C 318 711 301 728 280 728 259 728 242 711 242 690 242 669 259 652 280 652 301 652 318 669 318 690ZM 302 597C 302 610 291 621 278 621 265 621 254 610 254 597 254 583 265 573 278 573 291 573 302 583 302 597ZM 452 581C 452 613 426 639 394 639 362 639 336 613 336 581 336 549 362 523 394 523 426 523 452 549 452 581ZM 309 479C 251 494 204 558 192 640 190 660 192 683 198 701 205 722 218 736 234 751 263 779 303 796 345 796 388 796 436 780 474 750 488 740 521 711 527 699 535 683 532 630 533 611 535 552 488 530 461 498 436 470 412 461 387 461 363 462 337 471 309 479ZM 637 157C 626 194 615 230 604 266 687 228 770 190 853 152 864 147 876 150 883 159 890 169 890 181 883 191 810 281 738 371 666 461 706 461 747 461 788 461 810 461 821 486 807 503 732 590 657 678 582 766 500 862 397 890 297 868 196 846 129 771 115 681 99 578 140 490 225 413 225 413 226 412 226 412 350 318 474 224 598 130 602 127 606 126 610 125 612 125 614 125 616 125 631 127 642 142 637 157Z" transform="rotate(180,500,500)"/></svg>
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Internal keywords: asteroid-solid.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • down
  • normal
  • solid
  • square
  • star
  • space
  • asteroid
  • meteoroid
  • impact
  • nasa
  • esa
  • jaxa
  • shooting
  • shooting-star
  • c-type
  • s-type
  • m-type
  • neo
  • asteroid-solid
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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