Thin, line, up, square, video, play, forward, backward, mp3, player, pause, step, forward-step-thin icon Forward Step Thin Icon (fi-stluxl-forward-step-thin)

<i class="fi-stluxl-forward-step-thin"></i>
Thin, line, up, square, video, play, forward, backward, mp3, player, pause, step, forward-step-thin.

M 675 286C 675 426 675 566 675 706 675 713 669 718 662 718 656 718 650 713 650 706 650 656 650 606 650 557 648 558 647 559 645 561 578 611 512 661 445 711 419 730 388 731 365 718 341 706 325 680 325 651 325 551 325 451 325 351 325 321 341 296 364 283 372 278 382 275 393 274 410 273 428 278 445 291 512 341 578 391 645 441 647 442 648 443 650 445 650 392 650 339 650 286 650 279 656 273 662 273 669 273 675 279 675 286ZM 376 305C 361 313 350 330 350 351 350 451 350 551 350 651 350 671 361 688 377 696 392 705 411 705 430 691 497 641 563 591 630 541 640 534 646 526 650 519 650 507 650 495 650 483 646 476 640 468 630 461 563 411 497 361 430 311 420 303 410 300 401 299 400 299 399 299 398 299 390 299 383 301 376 305Z
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Embed code
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 50 0C 22 0 0 22 0 50C 0 50 0 950 0 950C 0 978 22 1000 50 1000C 50 1000 950 1000 950 1000C 978 1000 1000 978 1000 950C 1000 950 1000 50 1000 50C 1000 22 978 0 950 0C 950 0 50 0 50 0C 50 0 50 0 50 0M 50 25C 50 25 950 25 950 25C 964 25 975 36 975 50C 975 50 975 950 975 950C 975 964 964 975 950 975C 950 975 50 975 50 975C 36 975 25 964 25 950C 25 950 25 50 25 50C 25 36 36 25 50 25C 50 25 50 25 50 25 M 675 286C 675 426 675 566 675 706 675 713 669 718 662 718 656 718 650 713 650 706 650 656 650 606 650 557 648 558 647 559 645 561 578 611 512 661 445 711 419 730 388 731 365 718 341 706 325 680 325 651 325 551 325 451 325 351 325 321 341 296 364 283 372 278 382 275 393 274 410 273 428 278 445 291 512 341 578 391 645 441 647 442 648 443 650 445 650 392 650 339 650 286 650 279 656 273 662 273 669 273 675 279 675 286ZM 376 305C 361 313 350 330 350 351 350 451 350 551 350 651 350 671 361 688 377 696 392 705 411 705 430 691 497 641 563 591 630 541 640 534 646 526 650 519 650 507 650 495 650 483 646 476 640 468 630 461 563 411 497 361 430 311 420 303 410 300 401 299 400 299 399 299 398 299 390 299 383 301 376 305Z"/></svg>
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 50 0C 22 0 0 22 0 50C 0 50 0 950 0 950C 0 978 22 1000 50 1000C 50 1000 950 1000 950 1000C 978 1000 1000 978 1000 950C 1000 950 1000 50 1000 50C 1000 22 978 0 950 0C 950 0 50 0 50 0C 50 0 50 0 50 0M 50 25C 50 25 950 25 950 25C 964 25 975 36 975 50C 975 50 975 950 975 950C 975 964 964 975 950 975C 950 975 50 975 50 975C 36 975 25 964 25 950C 25 950 25 50 25 50C 25 36 36 25 50 25C 50 25 50 25 50 25M 675 286C 675 426 675 566 675 706 675 713 669 718 662 718 656 718 650 713 650 706 650 656 650 606 650 557 648 558 647 559 645 561 578 611 512 661 445 711 419 730 388 731 365 718 341 706 325 680 325 651 325 551 325 451 325 351 325 321 341 296 364 283 372 278 382 275 393 274 410 273 428 278 445 291 512 341 578 391 645 441 647 442 648 443 650 445 650 392 650 339 650 286 650 279 656 273 662 273 669 273 675 279 675 286ZM 376 305C 361 313 350 330 350 351 350 451 350 551 350 651 350 671 361 688 377 696 392 705 411 705 430 691 497 641 563 591 630 541 640 534 646 526 650 519 650 507 650 495 650 483 646 476 640 468 630 461 563 411 497 361 430 311 420 303 410 300 401 299 400 299 399 299 398 299 390 299 383 301 376 305Z"/></svg>
Internal keywords: forward-step-thin.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • thin
  • line
  • up
  • square
  • video
  • play
  • forward
  • backward
  • mp3
  • player
  • pause
  • step
  • forward-step-thin
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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