Line, up, normal, solid, prohibited, iphone, phone, mobile, android, gsm, smartphone, cell, bell, ring, ringing, ringtone, smartphone-ringing icon Smartphone Ringing Icon (fi-xnpuxl-smartphone-ringing)

<i class="fi-xnpuxl-smartphone-ringing"></i>
Line, up, normal, solid, prohibited, iphone, phone, mobile, android, gsm, smartphone, cell, bell, ring, ringing, ringtone, smartphone-ringing.

M 675 75C 716 75 750 109 750 150 750 383 750 617 750 850 750 891 716 925 675 925 558 925 442 925 325 925 284 925 250 891 250 850 250 617 250 383 250 150 250 109 284 75 325 75 442 75 558 75 675 75ZM 300 150C 300 342 300 533 300 725 433 725 567 725 700 725 700 533 700 342 700 150 700 136 689 125 675 125 558 125 442 125 325 125 311 125 300 136 300 150ZM 126 329C 138 337 141 352 133 364 113 395 100 447 100 500 100 553 113 605 133 636 141 648 138 663 126 671 115 678 99 675 92 664 62 620 50 560 50 500 50 440 62 380 92 336 97 329 105 324 114 325 118 325 123 327 126 329ZM 908 336C 938 380 950 440 950 500 950 560 938 620 908 664 901 675 885 678 874 671 862 663 859 648 867 636 887 605 900 553 900 500 900 447 887 395 867 364 859 352 862 337 874 329 877 327 882 325 886 325 895 324 903 329 908 336ZM 829 402C 858 461 859 540 828 596 822 608 807 613 794 607 782 600 778 585 784 573 804 536 804 465 784 424 778 412 783 397 795 391 799 389 803 388 808 388 817 389 825 394 829 402ZM 196 392C 208 398 213 413 207 425 187 466 187 537 207 574 213 586 209 601 197 608 184 614 169 610 163 598 132 541 133 462 162 403 166 395 174 390 183 389 188 389 192 390 196 392ZM 300 850C 300 864 311 875 325 875 442 875 558 875 675 875 689 875 700 864 700 850 700 825 700 800 700 775 567 775 433 775 300 775 300 800 300 825 300 850ZM 535 825C 535 834 531 843 525 850 518 856 509 860 500 860 491 860 482 856 475 850 469 843 465 834 465 825 465 806 481 790 500 790 519 790 535 806 535 825Z
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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 0 0C 0 0 0 35 0 35C 0 35 965 1000 965 1000C 965 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000C 1000 1000 1000 965 1000 965C 1000 965 35 0 35 0C 35 0 0 0 0 0C 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 675 75C 716 75 750 109 750 150 750 383 750 617 750 850 750 891 716 925 675 925 558 925 442 925 325 925 284 925 250 891 250 850 250 617 250 383 250 150 250 109 284 75 325 75 442 75 558 75 675 75ZM 300 150C 300 342 300 533 300 725 433 725 567 725 700 725 700 533 700 342 700 150 700 136 689 125 675 125 558 125 442 125 325 125 311 125 300 136 300 150ZM 126 329C 138 337 141 352 133 364 113 395 100 447 100 500 100 553 113 605 133 636 141 648 138 663 126 671 115 678 99 675 92 664 62 620 50 560 50 500 50 440 62 380 92 336 97 329 105 324 114 325 118 325 123 327 126 329ZM 908 336C 938 380 950 440 950 500 950 560 938 620 908 664 901 675 885 678 874 671 862 663 859 648 867 636 887 605 900 553 900 500 900 447 887 395 867 364 859 352 862 337 874 329 877 327 882 325 886 325 895 324 903 329 908 336ZM 829 402C 858 461 859 540 828 596 822 608 807 613 794 607 782 600 778 585 784 573 804 536 804 465 784 424 778 412 783 397 795 391 799 389 803 388 808 388 817 389 825 394 829 402ZM 196 392C 208 398 213 413 207 425 187 466 187 537 207 574 213 586 209 601 197 608 184 614 169 610 163 598 132 541 133 462 162 403 166 395 174 390 183 389 188 389 192 390 196 392ZM 300 850C 300 864 311 875 325 875 442 875 558 875 675 875 689 875 700 864 700 850 700 825 700 800 700 775 567 775 433 775 300 775 300 800 300 825 300 850ZM 535 825C 535 834 531 843 525 850 518 856 509 860 500 860 491 860 482 856 475 850 469 843 465 834 465 825 465 806 481 790 500 790 519 790 535 806 535 825Z"/></svg>
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Internal keywords: smartphone-ringing.

Friconix is a collection of free flat icons. The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app. All our icons are vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor. The icon presented on this page is related to:
  • line
  • up
  • normal
  • solid
  • prohibited
  • iphone
  • phone
  • mobile
  • android
  • gsm
  • smartphone
  • cell
  • bell
  • ring
  • ringing
  • ringtone
  • smartphone-ringing
To use our icons, you have several options.
The recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need. The reader will find a board example on this page : DOT-50 public services pictograms. Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site. Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the <i> tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons. While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading. This option is detailled on quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.
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