Galaxy Wide Alt Icon (fi-cwlrhl-galaxy-wide-alt)
<i class="fi-cwlrhl-galaxy-wide-alt"></i>
Line, right, wide, circle, horizontal, mirror, galaxy, space, spiral, milky-way, milky, way, cosmos, celestial, stellar, universe, galaxy-wide-alt, galactic.
M 583 242C 632 268 677 306 706 357 735 408 746 470 729 529 718 570 694 606 660 631 626 657 584 670 541 669 459 665 423 619 412 608 400 597 381 558 381 531 380 501 390 470 409 442 417 430 427 420 437 411 414 411 391 419 373 433 353 448 337 471 330 496 320 532 326 575 346 610 367 646 400 675 439 695 502 728 578 736 644 713 709 690 764 635 787 570 793 550 815 540 834 547 854 554 864 575 857 595 827 682 756 753 669 783 582 814 485 804 404 762 355 736 310 698 281 647 252 596 241 534 258 475 270 435 294 399 328 373 361 348 404 334 446 336 496 340 542 363 574 389 605 416 609 443 610 474 610 504 600 535 581 562 573 574 564 585 554 594 576 592 597 584 615 571 635 556 650 533 657 509 668 472 661 429 641 394 621 359 587 329 549 309 486 276 409 269 344 292 279 315 224 370 201 435 194 454 173 464 153 458 133 451 123 429 130 410 161 322 231 252 319 221 351 209 385 204 419 203 476 202 533 216 583 242ZM 507 455C 496 459 481 469 471 485 460 501 455 518 455 530 456 542 459 547 463 550 466 552 472 554 484 550 495 546 509 535 520 520 531 504 535 487 535 475 535 462 531 457 528 455 526 453 524 452 520 452 517 452 513 453 507 455Z
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viewBox="0 0 1000 1000"
d="M 500 0C 224 0 0 224 0 500C 0 776 224 1000 500 1000C 776 1000 1000 776 1000 500C 1000 224 776 0 500 0C 500 0 500 0 500 0M 500 75C 735 75 925 265 925 500C 925 735 735 925 500 925C 265 925 75 735 75 500C 75 265 265 75 500 75C 500 75 500 75 500 75 M 583 242C 632 268 677 306 706 357 735 408 746 470 729 529 718 570 694 606 660 631 626 657 584 670 541 669 459 665 423 619 412 608 400 597 381 558 381 531 380 501 390 470 409 442 417 430 427 420 437 411 414 411 391 419 373 433 353 448 337 471 330 496 320 532 326 575 346 610 367 646 400 675 439 695 502 728 578 736 644 713 709 690 764 635 787 570 793 550 815 540 834 547 854 554 864 575 857 595 827 682 756 753 669 783 582 814 485 804 404 762 355 736 310 698 281 647 252 596 241 534 258 475 270 435 294 399 328 373 361 348 404 334 446 336 496 340 542 363 574 389 605 416 609 443 610 474 610 504 600 535 581 562 573 574 564 585 554 594 576 592 597 584 615 571 635 556 650 533 657 509 668 472 661 429 641 394 621 359 587 329 549 309 486 276 409 269 344 292 279 315 224 370 201 435 194 454 173 464 153 458 133 451 123 429 130 410 161 322 231 252 319 221 351 209 385 204 419 203 476 202 533 216 583 242ZM 507 455C 496 459 481 469 471 485 460 501 455 518 455 530 456 542 459 547 463 550 466 552 472 554 484 550 495 546 509 535 520 520 531 504 535 487 535 475 535 462 531 457 528 455 526 453 524 452 520 452 517 452 513 453 507 455Z" transform="translate(1000,0) scale(-1,1)rotate(90,500,500)"/></svg>
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns=""><path d="M 500 0C 224 0 0 224 0 500C 0 776 224 1000 500 1000C 776 1000 1000 776 1000 500C 1000 224 776 0 500 0C 500 0 500 0 500 0M 500 75C 735 75 925 265 925 500C 925 735 735 925 500 925C 265 925 75 735 75 500C 75 265 265 75 500 75C 500 75 500 75 500 75M 583 242C 632 268 677 306 706 357 735 408 746 470 729 529 718 570 694 606 660 631 626 657 584 670 541 669 459 665 423 619 412 608 400 597 381 558 381 531 380 501 390 470 409 442 417 430 427 420 437 411 414 411 391 419 373 433 353 448 337 471 330 496 320 532 326 575 346 610 367 646 400 675 439 695 502 728 578 736 644 713 709 690 764 635 787 570 793 550 815 540 834 547 854 554 864 575 857 595 827 682 756 753 669 783 582 814 485 804 404 762 355 736 310 698 281 647 252 596 241 534 258 475 270 435 294 399 328 373 361 348 404 334 446 336 496 340 542 363 574 389 605 416 609 443 610 474 610 504 600 535 581 562 573 574 564 585 554 594 576 592 597 584 615 571 635 556 650 533 657 509 668 472 661 429 641 394 621 359 587 329 549 309 486 276 409 269 344 292 279 315 224 370 201 435 194 454 173 464 153 458 133 451 123 429 130 410 161 322 231 252 319 221 351 209 385 204 419 203 476 202 533 216 583 242ZM 507 455C 496 459 481 469 471 485 460 501 455 518 455 530 456 542 459 547 463 550 466 552 472 554 484 550 495 546 509 535 520 520 531 504 535 487 535 475 535 462 531 457 528 455 526 453 524 452 520 452 517 452 513 453 507 455Z" transform="translate(1000,0) scale(-1,1)rotate(90,500,500)"/></svg>
Internal keywords: galaxy-wide-alt.
Friconix is a collection of free flat icons.
The icons are designed to be embedded on a web page or app.
All our icons are
vectorized to minimize the size and preserve the quality whatever the scale factor.
The icon presented on this page is related to:
- line
- right
- wide
- circle
- horizontal
- mirror
- galaxy
- space
- spiral
- milky-way
- milky
- way
- cosmos
- celestial
- stellar
- universe
- galaxy-wide-alt
- galactic
To use our icons, you have several options.
recommended option is to create a custom board with the icons you need.
The reader will find a board example on this page :
DOT-50 public services pictograms.
Friconix automatically generates a JavaScript file with all the icons of your board. Download the file and add a JS link into the page headers of your site.
Once the JavaScript file is loaded, you can add the
tags with the icons.
The second option is to import all the icons.
While this option is easier to implement, it has the disadvantage of downloading all the icons which can slow down page loading.
This option is detailled on
quick start guide.
The last option is to download SVG, JPG et PNG images from this page.